The Timeline of the Vikings

  • 795


    The Vikings attacked Dublin in 795 which led to more raids on the coast of Ireland, western England, Germany, France, and Sicily.
  • 814


    In 814, after Charlemagne's death, the Vikings emerged in Europe and started to loot and burn villages.
  • 870


    In 870, they reached Iceland.
  • 875


    In 875, many Vikings were still raiding villages and seaside towns, but others decided to settle down.
  • 982


    In 982, Eric the Red came to Greenland.
  • 1000


    In 1000, Leif Ericson, the son of Eric the Red, landed on the coast of North America, where he found wild grapes so he named the place Vinland.
  • 1066


    A group of Vikings called the Normans settled on the coast of France and with William the Conqueror as their leader, they defeated the English.