the timeline of Earth

By JT.Wang
  • 100 BCE

    10 billion years ago

  • 51 BCE

    The brith of Sun

    The brith of Sun
    (5.1 billion years ago)
  • 46 BCE

    The birth of the Earth

    The birth of the Earth
    The Earth is melted when it was created, because the extremely heat.(4.6 billion years ago)
  • 45 BCE

    The birth of the moon

    The birth of the moon
    The moon is believed to be created because a planet of a size about one third of the earth.(4.5 billion years ago)
  • Period: 45 BCE to 39 BCE

    cooling down

  • 39 BCE

    The Earth cooled down (Archean Eon)

    The Earth cooled down (Archean Eon)
    After the experience of the extremely heat, the earth starting to cooling down. Some animals start to approach.(3.9 billion years ago)
  • 1 CE
