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The Timeline Aligning Technology Milestones and their Influence on Education

  • 1920's

    Correspondence Education: Distance learning is conducted by mail. Paper packets were mailed through the post in Nebraska and educational radio through schools of the air in Ohio and Wisconsin in 1920 (Barbour, 2021).
  • Period: to

    Timeline to present major milestones that relate to educational technology during each of the seven decades.

  • 1950's

    In 1958, the earliest applications of computers were developed as programs to teach specific subjects.
  • 1970's

    Educational satellite instruction.
    The use of computers as a medium to deliver education. The experimental satellite television began using the medium for distance learning.
  • 1980

    Educational satellite instruction.
    The use of computers as a medium to deliver education. The experimental satellite television began using the medium for distance learning.
  • 1990

    The World Wide Web was unveiled and universities and colleges started to experiment with online courses.
  • 2000

    The emergence of the virtual university was established for distance education and virtual learning.
  • 2008

    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) modernized the educational environment by implementing new technologies.
  • 2010

    MobyMax was established to close the learning gaps for differentiated learning, assessments, interactive class, and real rewards that motivate students learning.