The Sonoran Desert
Divided Path with 3 Javelinas (Pigs) -
First Javelina whirls in dust storm
Sits on tumbleweeds decides to build a house with them. -
Coyote smells Javelina in tumbleweed house
Coyote wants inside house.
He huffs and puffs and blew tumbleweed house away. -
Second Javelina walks for miles to find giant saguaros (cactus)
Javelina meets a Native American woman who gives sticks to build a house. -
Coyote found two Javelinas in Saguaro stick house
Coyote huffed and puffed and made all sticks come down on two little javelinas. -
The third Javelina found a Mexican man making Adobe bricks from mud and straw.
The Javelina built an adobe brick house.
She let her two brothers in and locked the door. -
The Coyote tried to trick the Javelinas
The third Javelina lit her stove and caught the coyote on fire to scare him away. -
The Three Javelinas lived happily ever after
Coyote howls in the desert at night