Sep 25, 1555
Peace of Augsburg
SourceThe Religious Peace was the most important law that was created in the Holy Roman Empire. It aimed to neutrtalize the war beteween the Catholic and the Protestantism becasue of the schism between them. -
Period: to
King Christian IV of Denmark
Source King Christian IV was very unsuccessful because he led Denmark into two unsuccessful wars with Sweden and in the Thirty Years’ War. When he became king he was too young and there was the Council of the Realm which was made up of regents who helped him. The Lutherans helped him study and he learned many languages. He limited the power of the Rigsråd, the Danish council. Led a battle with Sweden which he won, very inconclusive. -
Period: to
Maximilian I of Bavaria
Source Maximilian I was educated by the Jesuits and he succeeded his father. He made several very important steps: revised the law code, created stronger army, better control over his land and the church. He formed the Catholic League. The League fought againts the protestants in Bohemia and also fought against Denmark. -
Period: to
King Louis XIII
Source King Louis, son of Henry IV, took the rule from his mother- regent in 1617 and sent her in exhile. In 1642 he appointed Cardinal Richelieu as chief minister and in 1628 made a victory against the Huguenots. He declared a war on Spain in 1635 and died in 1643 from tuberculosis, leaving his two sons, Philippe I and Louis XIV, who became a king. -
Period: to
Cardinal Richelieu
Source First Cardinal Richelieu was elected for of the representatives of the clergy of Poitou to the Estates-General. Then he became chaplain of queen Anne of Austria. Then he became first minister of France and this helped him develop. He wanted to counter Habsburg hegemony in Europe, make the king absolute in the country. He was abe to tolerate the religion dissent. -
Period: to
King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden
Source At the beginning of his reign King Gustav had three and a constitutional crisis. Had a not very successful war with Denmark that led to the Peace of Knäred and he gave Denmark the only North Sea port. Had a war with Poland and Russia which helped him become better ruler. The war with Russia ended with the Peace of Stolbova. He also succeded to resolve internal problems. He created the Supreme Court. -
Period: to
Ferdinand of Styria as king of Bohemia
Source Ferdinand of Styria studied the Jesuit College at Ingolstadt and when he became a ruler persecuted the Protestants. One of his most important actions was that he established schemes of care for the sick people. The Bohemians didn't want him to be their king. He was very ruthless towards them. He did that because he was afraid that he will lose his power because of his beliefs. -
Defenestration of Prague
Churchmen from the Roman Catholic Church closed protestant chapels, which violated the Letter of Majesty. The protestants called an assembly in Prague where the imperial regents Jaroslav Martinic and William Slavata were found guilty because of a violation of the Letter of Majesty and were thrown out of the window. This event marked the begining of the 30 Year War. -
Period: to
The Bohemian Period
Battle of White Mountain
The battle took place near Prague (in Bohemia) and marked the first big victory of the Catholic Hapsburgs against the Protestant Union (union of German protestant states). The victory allowed the Hapsburgs to replace the current constitutional governemnt in Bohemia and replace it with an authoritan government, which lasted for three crenturies. -
Period: to
Philip IV of Spain
Source Philip IV was the king of Spain and Portugal during a period when the power of the two counties declined. He is remembered for his struggles to revive Spain's prominence and he also a patron of arts. During the beginning of the Thirty Years War Spain was good, but later they were into war with France which made the country weaker. The war between them ended with the Treaty of the Pyrenees. -
Period: to
The Danish Period
The Danish king Christian IV, scared of the rising power of Ferdinand II, went on a battle against him in 1625. He was aided by France, Protestant German states and England. However, Ferdinand II, aided by Generals Tilly and Wallenstein, won and its end was marked with the Lubeck treaty. -
The Treaty of Lubeck
source Denamrk keeps its possessins. Christian gives up the German bishoprics and Lower Saxony. He had to withdraw from the war. King Ferdinand of Syria could afford to ignore the wishes of the German princes. -
Period: to
The Swedish Period
Source2Source The Swedish king Gustavus II, scared of Habsburg's victories, started a war. Aided by Protestant German states and France, the Swedes started advancing, but Gustavus was killed, which disoriented the Swedes and let the Emperial forces strike back and win. Peace of Prague - end of the war. -
Battle of Lutzen
The battle was fought by the Swedes in order to help their allies in Northen Germany against the armies of the holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II. After Albrecht von Wallenstein sent the Graf zu Pappenheim to a separate mission, Gustav Adolphus and Bernhard of Saxe- Weimar went to battle Wallenstein. In the battle Gustavus II was killed and Bernhard captured the catholic infantry and Wallenstein retreated. -
Period: to
The French Period
In 1635 France entered the war, supported by Sweden. Battles were lead in the places where France and Spain opposed and in France and Germany. Even though a small success of the Empire, the actions of Bernhard and Baner weakened Germany. The battles ended with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. -
The Treaty of Prague
SourceRepeal the Edict of Restitution for 40 years and after that the emperor would decide on the issues that the edict contained. Lutherans retain their possessions. Ferdinand gave a word to revive the Reichskammergericht. -
Peace of Westphalia
SourceWith the peace of Westphalia the Thirty Years Wars were brought to an end and a north-western region of Westphalia in Germany gave its name to the peace treaty. -
Treaty of the Pyrenees
SourceThe treaty of the Pyrenees was a treaty between Philip IV (Spain) and Louis IX (France), which brought the Franco-Spanish War to an end.