Sep 25, 1555
The Peace of Augsburg
SourceThe first document of peace between Catholicism and Lutheranism. It said that no religion should attack the other until the churches are brought together again. Only two churches were recognized: The Roman Catholic and the Augsburg Confession ( the Lutherans) -
Period: to
King Christian IV of Denmark
Christian IV was king of Denmark and Norway. He led two unsuccessful wars against Sweden and brought disaster within his country by leading it into the Thirty Years’ War. He was known as a hard-drinking man of grim, wit, and great resource. -
Period: to
Maximilian I of Bavaria
Maximilian I was duke of Bavaria from 1597 to 1651 . He was also an elector from 1623, and a winner of the Roman Catholic side during the Thirty Years’ War. -
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King Louis XIII
Despite his mental instability and chronic ill health, Louis XIII showed courage on the battlefield. Substantial victories had been won in the war against the Huguenots, and later against the Spaniards, and Louis XIII was respected as one of the most powerful rulers in Europe. -
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King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden
Gustavus Adolphus is one of the most inspiring characters of the Reformation. The King of Sweden is famous with his military innovations and dramatic victories in battle turned the tide in The Thirty Years War. He also saved Protestant Germany from annihilation. Became the major power in the Baltic region. -
Defenestration of Prague
SourceIt marked the beginning of the Bohemian revolt against the Habsburg emperor Ferdinand II. It started because Roman Catholic officials in Bihemia closed protestant chapels, which was againts the Letter of Majesty which protected the rights of the protestants. In response to that protestants gathered in Prague, where William Slavata and Jaroslav Martinic were found guilty of violating the rights of protestants and they were thrown out of a window of the Castle of Prague. -
Period: to
The Bohemian Period
Ferdinand II began to persecute the Protestants. The Defenestartion of Prague opened the act of the Bohemian rebellion . First elected Fredrick V (a Calvinist), but received to support in the battle with the Habsburgs. Defeated by Tilly(commanding the forces of the Catholic League) at the battle of White Mountain Source<a -
Period: to
Ferdinand of Syria as king of Bohemia
He was deposed by the Protestants in Bohemia, because in 1619 they elected Frederick V as their new king. In the same year he was elected as the Holly Roman emperor. This was one of the affects of the Thrirty Years War. -
Battle of White Mountain
SourceThe first battle won by the Roman Catholic Habsburg over the Protestant Union ( an allience between the protestant German states). By this war the constitutional rule in Bohemia was ended and the Catholics made an authoritarian government that latesd for three centuries. -
Period: to
Philip IV of Spain
SourcePhilip IV was a weak ruler but a lavish patron of the arts and letters. He promoted the Spanish theater, built the Palacio del Buen-Retiro, enlarged the royal collections, and was Velázquez’ most ardent supporter. -
Period: to
Cardinal Richelieu
SourceCardinal Richelieu was famous in France as Louis XIII’s chief minister. Richelieu is considered to be one of the greatest politicians in French history. He broke the independent power of the French aristocracy. He laid the groundwork for the centralization of power in Royal hands, and defeated the Hapsburgs in the Thirty Years War. -
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The Danish Period
The Protestant countries began to realize the danger that they face. The king of Denmark Christian IV opposed Ferdinands forces at Saxony. General Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Wallenstein helped Ferdinand. -
Treaty of Lubeck
SourceThis was the end of the Danish War. Christian IV withdrew form the conlict. Denmark was allowed to keep some of its lands, but forced to give up others. After that, Denmark was in piece with the Imperial power. -
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The Swedish Period
The king Gustavus Adolphus entered the war for 2 reasons: He believed in the Protestant Cause, and he feared that Ferdinand would become too powerful. This was the first time a political reason enters the war. -
Battle of Lutzen
SourceBattle between Germans and Swedes, which the Germans lost. It was held in Germany, because the Swedes wanted to expand. They were led by Gustavus Adolphus who was killed during the battle. After it, the Swedes became the leading Protestant force. -
The Treaty of Prague
SourceSourceIt was a peacy treaty between the princes pf Germany, which was sogned behind the Holy Roman Emperor. Major states like Saxony and Bavaria signed ot but the Heilbronn League did not. The treaty brought some stability to Germany, because it seemed like the princes were behind Ferdinand. This led to a small restoring of the peac in Europe. -
Period: to
The French Period
France entered the war in 1635. The Swedish chancellor was supporting Richelieu("The First Minister"). This was the final stage of the Thirty Years War. The war now occupied almost all Europe, fighting in the Low Countries. -
The Peace of Westphalia
SourceThat was the treaty that ended the Thirty Years War. The treaty made Sweden independency of Austria, and the Netherlands were independent of Spain. The German states gained their autonomy, and the Swedes also got money in cash and land. This was the end of the fight of Catholicism and Protestants over Europe. Protestantism continued existing in Europe. -
Treaty of the Pyrenees
This treaty ended the fight between Spain and France, which continued even after the Peace of Westphalia. Spain took advantage of the Civil wars that were going on in Spain in order to gain more land, The treaty included the marriage of Louis XIV to Marie-Therese, who was the daughter of Phillip IV. Even after that alliance, which was more of a compromise, Spain remained with the southern Netherlands and Italy.