Sep 25, 1555
The Peace of Augsburg
Peace of Augsburg Source The first official basis approving the Lutheranism and Catholicism both exist in Germany. -
Period: Apr 12, 1577 to
King Christian IV of Denmark
King Christian IV of Denmark Source Christian IV was a king of Denmark during the years of 1588 up to 1648. Christian was a typical example of a Renaissance king, because he was hiring many musicians and artists from all over Europe. There were many English musicians which were employed by him several times for example- William Brade, John Bull and John Dowland. -
Period: Jul 9, 1578 to
Ferdinand of Styria as king of Bohemia
Ferdinan of Styria as king of Bohemia Source Ferdinand was a king of Bohemia during the period 1617 up to 1637. When he was elected as a king of Bohemia in 5 June 1617, he officially became emperor and king of Bohemia. However, the Bohemians rejected his as a king the whole time. -
Period: to
King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden
King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden Source
Gustavus was king of Sweden from the year of 1611 up to 1617. King Gustavus is able to successfully make Sweden one of the great powers of Europe, and perhaps the most important power in the Thirty Years' War after France and Spain, because of not only his military brilliance, but also to the important institutional reforms that were happening in Sweden's government. -
Period: to
Cardinal Richelieu King Louis XIII
Cardinal Richelieu King Louis XIII Source
Louis XIII was a king of France during the years of 1610 up to 1643. He assumed the throne right after his father's death. One of Louis XIII's biggest challenges was the managing of the country's continuing religious discord. He managed to get an important victory against the Huguenots in the year of 1628. -
Period: to
Philip IV of Spain
Philip IV of Spain Philip was king of Spain during the years of 1621 up to 1665. He was the king of Spain and Portugal during the decline of Spain as a great world power in the 1600s. He had some really difficult late years. In his final years, he believed that he had failed as a monarch. He felt into a deep depression and died, which led to the leaving of his 4-year-old son, Charles II, as heir to the throne. -
Period: to
The Bohemian Period
The Bohemian Period Source This was the first of the four phases of the Thirty Years' War. Throughout the period Ferdinand II began to persecute Protestants and the Defenstration of Prague opened the Bohemian Rebellion. -
Defenestration of Prague
Defenestartion of Prague Source It was an incident of Bohemian resistance to Habsburg that set the beginning of the Thirty Years' War. -
Battle of White Mountain
Battle of White Mountain Source It was a battle between the Protestants of the Bohemian Estates' army and Austrian Imperial and Catholic forces in which the first ones were brutally defeated. -
Period: to
The Danish Period
The Danish Period Source The Danish period was the second phase of the Thirty Years' War in which Catholics wamted to move to North-Western Germany and the Edict of Restoration was created, which recognized Catholicism as a powerful religion that has a lot of control. -
Treaty of Lubeck
Treaty of Lubeck Source It was a treaty that ended the Danish participation in the Thirty Years' War. The Danish king, Christian IV and the impirial general A. Wallenstein concluded the traty in Lubeck on May 12. -
Period: to
The Swedish Period
The Swedish Period Source The Swedish Period was the third phase of the Thirty Years' War. King Gustavus Adolphus known as the "Lion to the North" entered the war in this period. Two reasons caused his involvement in the war: he supported the Protestant movement and feared a potential increase of power of Emperor Ferdinand. -
Battle of Lutzem
Battle of Lutzen Source Catholic commander Albert von Wallensrtein split his army approaching the fight against King Gustavus Adolphud of Sweden. -
Period: to
The French Period
The French Period Source This was the fourth phase of the Thirty Years' War. The French entered the war when Cardinal Richelieu, the chief minister of King Louis XIII decided to weaken Hapsburg's power. Emperor Ferdinand II died and his son Ferdinand III succeeded him. Peace negotiations were started after Cardinal Richelieu's death in 1642. The war was approaching its end. -
The Peace of Westphalia
The Peace of Westphalia Source Westphalia was a reagon in North- Weastern Germany that gave its name to the thready signed to end the Thirty Years' War. -
Treaty of the Pyrenees
Treaty of the Pyrenees Source The treaty of the pyranees is a treaty signed between France and Spain at the Isle of Pheasants. -
Period: to
Maximilian I of Bavaria
Maximilian I of Bavaria Maximilian was a king of Baviria from the year of 1805 up to 1825. The new king of Bavaria was the most important of the princes belonging to the Confederation of the Rhine, when by the Treaty of Ried on 8 October 1813 he made the guarantee of the integrity of his kingdom by joining the Allies. He dies on 13 October 1825 near Munich. -
The Treaty of Prague
The Treaty of Prague Source It was a treaty signed between Austria and Prussia which ended the Austro-Prussian War.