Sep 25, 1555
The Peace of Augsburg
It was a democratization of religion. It allowed the leaders of a country to choose their own religion which led to legal distinction between Catholic and Protestant churches. -
Period: to
King Christian IV of Denmark
He was an unsuccessful king who led to wars Sweden which brought disaster to his people. -
Period: to
King Louis XIII
http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/people/louis-xiii-king-france.html</a> In his young ages, he was controlled by his mother who acted as a regnet. In 1617 he exiles his mother and kills all of her followers. He chose Cardinal Richelieu to be a prime minister and they stopped the revolt of the French nobility. -
Period: to
King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden
http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/sweden-1611-to-1718/gustavus-adolphus/</a> Led Sweden during the Thirty Years War. He made domestic reforms which made Sweden extrmely powerful and dominant in its region. Gustavus was very intelligent which helped him with the millitary organizaton and strategy. Gustavus worked really hard and had an immense physical presence. He was pious. He was a powerful monarch supported by all classes of the society -
Period: to
The Bohemian Period
This was a revolt caused by the death of two royal officers killed by Protestants. This revold also happened in other dominions of Hapsburg. -
Defenestration of Prague
http://www.heeve.com/modern-history/defenestration-of-prague-of-1618.html</a> Ejection of two Catholic Imperial officials out of the Prague Castle's window by the Bohemian Protestant nobles because the Catholics violated the Letter of Majesty which gave freedom to the Bohemian Protestants . It triggered the Thirty Years War. -
Period: to
Ferdinand of Styria as king of Bohemia
Ferdinand was elected king of Bohemia by the Bohemian Diet. He had lack of religious tolerance. This is why the Protestants disliked him. The society did not like him. He died at age 59. -
Battle of White Mountain
The battle marked the first major victory of the Roman Catholic Habsburgs over the Protestant Union -
Period: to
Philip IV of Spain
http://ic.galegroup.com/ic/bic1/ReferenceDetailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow?displayGroupName=K12-Reference&prodId=BIC1&action=e&windowstate=normal&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CK3404900859&mode=view&userGroupName=georgetown_dhs&jsid=d9e4760733486240c3a916fbed9ea179 Ruled Spain during the Thirty Years War. Fights mainly against the French. Philip was patronage of arts. The war between Spain and France leads to nothing for Spain. Philip was unable to achieve succesful military reform -
Period: to
Cardinal Richelieu
http://www.nndb.com/people/894/000092618/</a>King Louis XIII's chief minister. Made stronger the monarch power and destroyed the domestic factions. He centralizes France by restraining the power of the nobility. Tried to help France dominate in the Thirty Years War. -
Period: to
The Danish Period
It started with the defeat of Bohemia. The protestants began to realize that they had faced a danger. Ferdinand issued the Edict of Restitution which said that all belonings of the Protestants had to be returned to the Catholic churches. -
Treaty of Lubeck
Ends the Danish Period of the Thirty Years War. Denmar, which lost several battles against the Hapsburg, dat to withraw from the war. -
Period: to
The Swedish Period
Gustavus Adolphusof Sweden came to a war. He made a few smart moves with the Catholic church, which made him successful. -
Battle of Lutzen
One of the most significant battles in the Thirty Years War. It was won by the Protestants. However, the Swedish king Gustavus II Adolf was killed. This led to a loss of coordination in the Protestant campaign. -
The Treaty of Prague
Treaty between the Hapsburg Emperor Ferdinand II and the Electrotate of Saxony (Protestant states in the Holy Roman Empire). Ends the civil war aspcect of the Thirty Years War. -
Peace of Westphalia
Several treaties signed in Westphalian cities which lead to the end of the Thirty Years War. It also ended the war between Spain and the Dutch Republic. -
Treaty of the Pyreness
The trreaty is signed so as to end the war between France and Spain which continued after the end of the Thirty Years War. -
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The French Period
This period began with the will of the French republic to conquer he Southern Netherlands and Liège. However, the Austrians took these lands over after a while. The French managed to get them back in one year after. Whith Napoleon coming to power, Belgium became a part of the French empire. -
Period: to
Maximilian I of Bavaria
Maximilian was the first Bavarian king. He had an allience with Napoleon which gained him the monarch's crown. This is how he became a king. He was very successful and hise desisions had made Bavaria the most liberal state in Germany.