The Thirty Years War by Kristina and Marina

  • Sep 25, 1555

    The Peace of Ausburg

    The Peace of Ausburg
    A result of the Reformation; divided Europe into the Roman Catholic Church and the new Lutheran (Protestant) Church
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    King Christian IV of Denmark

    led two unsuccessful wars against Sweden and brought disaster upon his country by leading it into the Thirty Years’ War; supported trade and shipping and left a national heritage of fine buildings; "a plucky, hard-drinking man of grim wit and great resource" (
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    Cardinal Richelieu King Louis XIII

    French rulers who made France a leading power in Europe; In 1624 Cardinal de Richelieu->chief minister; Richelieu convinced the king to enter Italy with his army in 1629; raise tension between France and Habsburgs; In May 1635 France started war with Spain; by his death, Louis was respected as one of the most powerful rulers in Europe because of the victories in the war against the Spaniards and making France a leading European power. (
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    King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden

    established the foundations of the Swedish state as a major power in Europe; “Lion of the North” - he was viewed as the Protestant Hero; secured the Swedish state and church; new powerful army; entered the Thirty Years war. In September 1631, at Breitenfeld, the Swedish-Saxon forces defeated Tilly’s army; conquest of Vienna in 1633 successful; Sweden won, however, Gustav was killed in the battle
  • Defenestration of Prague

    Defenestration of Prague
    rebellion against the Bohemian aristocracy;led to the beginning of the Thirty Years’ War;
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    The Bohemian Period

    a revolt,started in Prague by Protestant members of the Bohemian diet; reason:Ferdinand's election alarmed BohemianCalvinists(feared the loss of their religious rights);a.k.a.Defenestration of Prague,troops of the HRE and Bavari led by Baron Tilly invaded Bohemia and won;Ferdinand II regained throne;ended with a Hapsburg and Catholic victory (Battle of White Mountain) (
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    Ferdinand of Styria as king of Bohemia

    the Bohemian Diet recognized him as a king of Bohemia, however, later on was deposed by the largely Protestant diet of Bohemia who chose Frederick V as a king; This was, in effect, the begginning of the 30 Years War (
  • Battle of White Mountain

    Battle of White Mountain
    took place near Prague in Bohemia; Denmark and Sweden join the Thirty Years' War; caused the Bohemian Revolt to end; Denmark and Sweden join the Thirty Years' War.
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    Philip IV of Spain

    was king of Spain until his death; patronage of the arts - Diego Velázquez; ruled during the Thirty Years' War; chief minister - the Conde-Duque de Olivares who contributed for some conspicous victories of Spain, but then in 1635 France declared Spain a war; Spains power decreased; after that new chief minister - Don Luis Méndez de Haro; Philip IV failed to achieve a military reform;
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    Maximilian I of Bavaria

    In 1623 Maximilian becomes an elector; Ferdinand and Maximilian’s armies occupied northern Germany and most of Denmark; in 1630 Maximilian forced Ferdinand to ged rid of his army; On May 17, 1648, at the Battle of Zusmarshausen, the French destroyed Maximilian’s last army. The Peace of Westphalia allowed Maximilian keep his electoral title; he became leader of the German Catholics
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    The Danish Period

    started after Bohemia was defeated;protestant countries realize the danger;Christian IV(Protestant king of Denmark) and allies opposed Ferdinands forces at Saxony;General Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Wallenstein and his army of hired soldiers helped Ferdinand; Wallenstein defeated the Danish king; Christian IV signed the Treaty of Lubeck(1629);withdrew from Saxony; Edict of Restitution - Protestant possessions -> returned to the Catholic Church.
  • Treaty of Lübeck

    Treaty of Lübeck
    created by the Danish king Christian IV and the imperial general A. Wallenstein in Lübeck; ends the “Danish period” of the Thirty Years’ War; Denmark was forced to withdraw from the conflict
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    The Swedish Period

    1630 Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden enters the 30 Years' war;protects the Protestant states of Germany for the swedish interest;hard alliance with german princes;1631 Magdeburg besieged-G.A. gains more power and respect;Brandenburg and Saxony join and enlarge the swedish forces;G.A. can open a front at Bohemia;late 1631 G.A. won at Breitenfield;Saxons have Prague;1632 at Lutzen Sweden won, but their king dies
  • Battle of Lutzen

    Battle of Lutzen
    Gustavus II Adolphus of Sweden lost his life in it; fought by the Swedes to help their North German allies against the Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II.
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    The French Period

    war -religious -> political; Cardinal Richelieu - ruler of France; wants to stop the increasing of Hapsburg power by intruding the Protestant side; French Bourbons vs. Austrian Hapsburgl In 1635, Richelieuand his army entered Germany and joined the Swedish army; The Protestants and their allies had great leaders - Vicomte de Turenne and Louis II (the Prince of Conde); They had many victories which gave new hope to the German Protestants.
  • Treaty of Prague

    Treaty of Prague
    Signed in 1635 in Prague; ended the Austro- Prussian War; weakened German princes; Venetia given to Italy; Habsburgs excluded from the government activities in Germany; Kingdom of Prussia - major power in Germany; Edict of Restitution ended; Peace of Augsburg reestablished;
  • The Peace of Westphalia

    The Peace of Westphalia
    European settlement, negotiations; ends the Eighty Years' War between Spain and the Dutch and the German phase of the Thirty Years' War
  • Treaty of the Pyrenees

    Treaty of the Pyrenees
    Peace treaty between Philip IV of Spain and Louis XIV of France; ended the Franco-Spanish War (1648–1659); marks the beginning of French hegemony in Europe;