Sep 25, 1555
The Peace of Augsburg
Peace of Augsburg
It was the first legal document for the existence of Lutheranism and Catholicism in Germany, The diet was proclaimed by Charles V, but he didn't take part in the religioush compramises. The diet determined that no king should start a war on religious grounds. -
Period: to
Cardinal Richelieu - Stoyan
Armand Jean du Plessis-Cardinal Richelieu
Cardinal Richelieu was prime minister of France from 1524 to his death. He established royal absolutism and because of his efforts the war between the Spanish and the Hapsburgs ended. Cardinal Richelieu made France a leading European power because of his intelligence and energy. -
Period: to
King Christian IV of Denmark
Christian IV Facts
Expanded Denmarks overseas trade and built buildings in dutch renaissance style. Christian organised expeditions to Greenland and the Arctic, but they were unsuccsesful and he wasn't able to establish Danish sovereignty. -
Period: to
King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden - Stoyan
Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden
King Gustavus Adolphus is the founder of the Swedish Empire. He lead the country during the Thirty Years War and made it a centrla power in Europe (Swedish Period). He is considered to be the father of the modern walfare or the first modern general because of his accomplishments. -
Period: to
Maximilian I of Bavaria
<a href='http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10075b.htm' >Maximilian I</a
In 1607 Maximilan sent troops to Donauwörth in order to restore Catholicism to that area. The protestant nobles formed The Protestant Union in order to defend their religion. On the contrary the Catholic League was formed in which Maximilian had a big part. -
Period: to
King Louis XIII - Stoyan
King Louis XIII
King Louis XIII started ruling at the age of 9. His marriage with Anne of Austria united France and Spain. He made Cardinal Richelieu prime minister of France because he needed help to rule. -
Period: to
Philip IV of Spain - Stoyan
King Philip IV of Spain
King Philip IV's reign helped for the decline of Spain in political and economical terms. He was one of the most often portrayed monarchs in Europe. His collection made possible the formation of the Museum of Prado. King Philip IV was more of a patron of arts than a powerful king. -
Period: to
The Bohemian Period
Thirty Years War The Bohemian Period
The revolt began in Prague where two officers where thrown out a window by members of the Bohemian diet. Ferdinand was removed from the throne and it was given to Frederic V. The Bohemians where defeated by the Catholic League under the control of Tilly. -
Defenestration of Prague
Defenestration of Prague
Catholic officials built Protestant churches on land that is owned by the Catholic clergy. The protestants claimed the land was owned by the King and that they could use it. Two governers, named Vilém Slavata of Chlum and Košumberk and Jaroslav Bořita of Martinice, were thrown out a window because they violated Religious Freedom. -
Period: to
Ferdinand of Styria as king of Bohemia
Ferdinand of Styria
In August of 1619 he was proclaimed Holy Roman Emperor. The Bohemian rebellion was surpress and the nation went through a decline. He introduced a policy about hard Catholicism. -
Battle of White Mountain
The Battle of White Mountain
The event lasted less than 2 hours and it erradicated the Bohemian indepednce. The two sides where separated by religion. One of the sides was being lead by Ferdinand and the other side consisted of the Czech Protestant nobility. The defeated Protestants were killed and their religion was banished. -
Period: to
The Danish Period
The Danish Period
Started after Bohemia was defeated.The king of Denmark helped by some other countries, opposed Ferdinand. He lost because Ferdinand was helped by General Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Wallenstein and the king of Denmar retreated from Saxony. -
Treaty of Lubeck
Lübeck Treaty of 1629
The treaty ended the Danish Period and was signed in the city of Lubeck. The treaty forced Denmark that was supporting and fighing for the anti-Hapsburg coalition to withdraw from the fight. -
Period: to
The Swedish Period - Stoyan
Swedish Period of 30 Years War The king of Sweden entered the war in 1630 by starting a 13000 people sail from his kingdom to Madgeburg city. A significant battle during the period was between the Swedish king Gustavos' army and Wallenstein's-The Battle of Lutzen. The Swedesh won, but Gustavos was killed. After that the Swedesh had great struggles and were completely destroyed in the Battle of Nordlingen. -
Battle of Lutzen - Stoyan
Battle of Lutzen It happened during the 30 Years War. The battle was between the Sweden who were helping North Germany, and the Holy Roman Empire. The Swedish king Gustavus was killed in it. However, it was a protestant victory. -
Period: to
The French Period - Stoyan
The French Period of 30 Years War The French broke the Treaty of Prague by joining the war. The French Cardinal Richelieu's desire was to weaken the Hapsburgs and take Alsace province. The peace negotiations, which started in 1641 were struggling until the Cardinal's death and France's occupation of Bavaria in 1646. -
The Treaty of Prague - Stoyan
The Treaty of Prague
The German princes were exhausted from the conflict that started 17 years ago in Prague, and decided to sign a compromise treaty. The sides of the conflict were the Emperor of Hapsburg Ferdinand II and the Protestant states of the Holy Roman Empire. Imperial army consisting the armies of the states, alliances of states among themselves were prohibited and amnesty was given to princes. -
The Peace of Westphalia - Stoyan
The Peace of Westphalia
The Peace of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years War. It was a difficultly achieved treaty because half a year the 194 states could not agree on the protocol of the event. Finally, as it was signed, the Peace of Westphalia gave Switzerland independence from Austria and the Netherlands- from Spain. The Germans confirmed their autonomy. Protestanism was recognized and "was in the world to stay". -
Treaty of the Pyrenees - Stoyan
Treaty of the Pyrenees
The peace of the Pyrenees ended the war between France and Spain. The Spanish Empire confirmed itself as the largest in the Western Europe, keeping their territories in Italy. The French kept Artois and Rosillon, which were important territories they gained during the war.