The Thirteen Colonies

  • Roanoke Colony is now called The Lost Colony

    Roanoke Colony is now called The Lost Colony
    In 1587, an Englishman named John White made a settlement on Roanoke Island with more than 100 settlers. It was Sir Walter Raleigh’s second attempt to colonize North Carolina, but the first to include civilians and families. White back to England for more supplies, but a war with Spain delayed his return for 3 years. When he finally came back, all the original settlers had disappeared. That's why they call this the lost colony.
  • Jamestown's founding

    Jamestown's founding
    Jamestown is one of the most important historical sites in the United States. It was established on May 14, 1607 in the Colony of Virginia.
  • Pochaontas and John Rolfe's wedding

    Pochaontas and John Rolfe's wedding
    On April 5, 1614, Pocahontas and John Rolfe married with the blessing of Chief Powhatan and the governor of Virginia. Their marriage brought a peace between the English colonists and the Powhatans.
  • House of Burgess is formed

    House of Burgess is formed
    The Virginia House of Burgesses was formed initially as part of a series of government reforms at Jamestown colony. Owned by the Virginia Company of London, the Jamestown colony only had around 1,000 colonists by 1619, so the Virginia Company made changes that the company hoped would make the colony more profitable.
  • Plymouth's founding

    Plymouth's founding
    English investors made an agreement with the settlers of the Plymouth Colony, promising to pay for their trip to America if the settlers would pay them back profits made by sending harvested supplies back to England. Most of the pilgrims were from farming communities in Yorkshire, England but had moved to Holland in 1607 seeking religious freedom. They found religious freedom there but had a hard time making a living there, so they got the investors to help fund their trip in 1619.
  • The First Thankgiving

    The First Thankgiving
    The event that Americans refer to as "The First Thanksgiving" was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first fall harvest in the New World in 1621. This feast lasted three days and was attended by over 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims, as was later said by Edward Winslow, who attended it.
  • Maryland's founding

    Maryland's founding
    The charter for the founding of Maryland was granted in 1632 to George Calvert, the first Lord Baltimore, by King Charles I of England, and the king's motivation was to extract a share of the region's income.
  • Carolina Colony established

    Carolina Colony established
    In 1663, King Charles II of England gave the land south of Virginia to eight proprietors. These men founded the Carolina Colony. They named it after the king’s father, Charles I. This new colony included what is now both North and South Carolina.
  • New Jersey's founding

    New Jersey's founding
    The colony of New Jersey was founded by Sir George Carteret and Lord Berkeley in 1664. It was named after the British island of Jersey, located in the English Channel, near England.
  • Will Penn established the Pennsylvania Colony

    Will Penn established the Pennsylvania Colony
    The Province of Pennsylvania, also known as the Pennsylvania Colony, was founded in English North America by William Penn on March 4, 1681 as dictated in a royal charter granted by King Charles II..