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Fredonian Rebellion
The Fredonian Rebbellion was the first attempt by anglo settlers in Texas to secede from Mexico. Haden Edwars the leader and settlers declared independence from Mexican Texas. They went to war but the mexicans had their victory. Although Haden had the ability to settle 800 families the contract was revoked by Victor Blanco of the mexican government. They later did have a peace treaty but many still believed that this was the beginning of the Texas Revolution. -
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Mier y Terans Report
Manuel Mier y Teran was sent on a mission to Texas by the Mexican government because of the large number of Anglo settlers flowing into Mexico. His report when he came back talked about a lot of u.s influence on Texas. Mexico needed to get in control of Texas. The Mexican government wanted to make Texas less interesting to the colonists. So in 1829 slavery was banned in Texas since anglos use slaves often. Mier y terans report and his recommendations were later used for the Law of april 6. -
Law of April 6, 1830
The law of April 6 was a result of Mier Y Terans report since they heard all about what was going on. The law mostly based on how their was too much immigration from the U.S to Texas.It also ended slaves, taxes for traded goods, land grants to specific people, and no empresario grants would be given out. President Anastasio Bustamante was the one who gave or passed this law. -
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Turtle Bayou resolution
The turtle bayou resolution was a group of Anglo-American settlers that staged a rebellion against Mexican rule in the town of Anahuac. It all started because. Afterwards though a group of Anglo-American settlers did a resolution called the Turtle Bayou. It said that they were loyal to Mexico and were not rebelling. They declared that they were supporting Santa Anna who was a leader trying to overthrow Anastasio Bustamante. This was the begging or the steps taken to start the Texas Revolution. -
Capture of San Antonio
The Texan Army takes possession of the city of San Antonio. -
Battle of Gonzalez
On October 1, settlers voted to initiate a fight. It all started because of growing tensions between Mexico and Texas when Mexican soldiers attempted to disarm and take the canyon back from the people of Gonzales.They decided not to give up the canyon and fight. After several hours of firing the Mexican soldiers withdrew. -
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Siege of the Alamo
Mexican troops that general Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna had entered San Antonio de Bexar, and surrounded the Alamo.General Antonio López de Santa Anna won the Battle of the Alamo, The Alamo was defended by a small force of Texians and Tejanos, led by William Barrett Travis and James Bowie, including Davy Crockett. -
Texas declaration of independence
The Texas Declaration of Independence was made during a revolution against the Mexican government in 1835. The Texas Declaration of Independence was the formal declaration of independence of the Republic of Texas from Mexico in the Texas Revolution. -
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Runaway Scrape
It the evacuations by Texas residents leaving the Mexican Army of Operations during the Texas Revolution, from the Battle of the Alamo through the Battle of San Jacinto. Under the command of Santa Anna and General José de Urrea into the Texian territory, sparking the Runaway Scrape. -
Massacre of goliad
The Texian Army of the Republic of Texas were killed by the Mexican Army in the town of Goliad, Texas.The killing was carried out under orders from General and President of Mexico Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. -
Battle of San Jacinto
The battle of San Jacinto was the decisive battle of the Texas Revolution. A detailed first hand account of the battle was written by General Houston of the Texian Army. During Texas' war for independence from Mexico, Texas under Sam Houston launched a surprise attack against the soldiers of the Mexican General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. -
Treaties of velasco
The Treaties of Velasco were two documents signed at Velasco, between Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna of Mexico and the Republic of Texas