The Testing

  • People Selected For The Testing/The Beginning

    Malencia Vale of the Five Lakes Colony and 3 other intellegent graduates are chosen for the Testing, an evaluation of the colonies' finest young people to see if they qualify for University. A massive war wiped out North America's ecosystem, and the Testing allows the government to find new world leaders and scientists to revitalize the Earth.
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    The First Stage

    Cia Vale, a high school graduate from Five Lakes Colony, is chosen to take part in the Testing. Everyone is nervous because only a few will move on to university. She gets a warning from her dad before she leaves, he warns her that the Testing is dangerous and not what it seems.
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    Second Stage

    In this stage, candidates are put into a large, quiet room to take a series of written exams. The atmosphere is tense as everyone knows that this test is critical for their future. The questions cover various subjects, including math, science, history, and logic, but many are tricky and designed to confuse. Cia tries hard to stay calm as she reads the questions. She focuses on math problems that require quick calculations and logic puzzles that challenge her critical thinking skills.
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    Third Stage

    In this stage virtual simulation that mimics real-life situations. The purpose of the simulation is to test Cia & the other candidates under pressure. Contestants find themselves in a bustling, chaotic city scene, where they must navigate through crowded streets, emergency situations, and moral dilemmas. Cia is faced with a critical situation where she must choose between helping Malcom, who has been injured, or completing a mission to secure important information.
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    Fourth Stage

    In the Fourth Stage Cia is placed in a remote and harsh environment that resembles a wilderness setting. Building shelters from branches and leaves. Cia and her group realize they need to signal for help. They find a high point in the terrain and create a signal fire, using smoke to attract attention. Eventually, they are spotted and rescued by the Testing officials. As they leave the wilderness.
  • The Mysterious Man

    Cia wanders off and meets a man on the other side of the electrified fence that keeps the candidates on the right track. He says that he's an official that disagrees with the Testing and offers to give her medication that will override the truth serum used in the final examination. He promises it will be in her bag in her room when she returns to the city. He gives her a bundle of food as a peace offering.
  • Will and the Hybrids

    Tomas and Cia find Will, a friend from the earlier tests, and team up with him. Cia leaves the two to find water, instead finding terrifying human-animal hybrids with rabbit-like legs and venomous claws. Cia is forced to kill one, and the image of its haunting humanoid eyes stay with her for days afterward.
  • Betrayl

    Cia and Tomas' fears come alive when Will reveals himself to be murdering other candidates to give himself a better chance of being the 20 passing grades. He claims to be doing it in the name of his brother, Gill, who failed an earlier test and was not seen again. He tries to kill Tomas and Cia, injuring them both, but is shot down and barely escapes with his life. Tomas and Cia are mere miles from the finish line.
  • Survival

    Tomas is injured, but survives to the finish line with Cia. They are taken into medical care for weeks on end, almost always unconscious. When they recover, they are sent to their rooms, where they receive tasty meals and recovery medication. As promised, a pill to override the final exam's truth serum sits in her bag. In solitude, Cia puts two and two together and realizes that while she was battling the hybrids, Tomas had killed one of their friends from Five Lakes, Zandri.
  • Final Examination

    Cia takes the pill before going into the exam room. The officials make her sip some water with the serum in it. It doesn't affect her, and she can easily twist the truth into something the officials would want to hear. Thus, she can ensure the safety of her family and friends back home. They send her back to her room to evaluate her results.
  • The Recording

    Cia finds a recording option on a communicator she took with her from home and decides to record everything that happened. She is aware that they wipe the memories of candidates for confidentiality before they arrive at University, and she refuses to forget. She later receives a paper telling her she has passed, and she is given an injection that knocks her out and erases her memory.
  • University/Graduation

    Cia and Tomas are together in University, celebrating her birthday. She talks to her friends, including Will, and heads back to her room. Cia uncovers that the Testing is not merely an evaluation of intelligence or capability. Instead, it serves to eliminate individuals deemed unfit for leadership or control, effectively weeding out those who might challenge the status quo.