Holes in cards
Punched cards were first developed to "program" cloth-making machinery and looms, however, a company "IBM" saw potential in these cards as they were able to speed up data-processing if proper punched card technology was created. -
The analytical machine
The world's first general purpose computer as its inventors wanted to create a machine to perform any calculations of its time. -
Von Neumann Architecture
The Von Neumann Architecture was one of the first forms of the modern computer as it featured a processing unit, an i/o unit and a storage unit that are all connected over buses. -
ENIAC or the "Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer" was one of the first computers to run at electronic speed, unable to be slowed by mechanical parts. -
UNIVAC was the world's first consumer computer -
High-Level Programming Language
A high-level programming language allows programmers to write programs that are more or less independent of a particular type of computer. -
UNIX operating system
UNIX is an operating system that is made up of three parts; the kernal, the shell and the programs. -
Altair 8800 was the world's first consumer "build-it-yourself" micro-computer kit. -
Personal Computer
A personal computer is a general-purpose computer whos capabilities were made affordable by the average consumer. -
CRAY-1 was a huge machine that had the capabilities of a powerful microprocessor. -
Steve Job and Wozniak set up shop in Job's parent's garage. The duo ventured as Apple, as the two later began pitching their own idea of a PC. -
First Electronic Spreadsheet
The first Electronic Spreadsheet allows its user to summarize information from various paper sources and prevent the infos in a format to see the "bigger picture" -
Wanting to innovate the computer market, Apple released the Machintosh to combat the standards by IBM -
Microsoft released an operating system in which allows user to get familiar with a new computer peripheral, the mouse.