the Second submarine invented was by cornelis Drebble
He was hired by the court inventor of James I England and built whats to be known as the first navigatable submarine. -
Marin Mersenne's Theory
Marin Mersenne a french Priest belived that a submarine should be made of a copper cylindrical shape so it withstands pressure & have pointed for moving foward and backwards without having to turn around. -
The third published submarine by De Son
De Son built the 72ft Rotterdam boat and the first submarine built by the Council of the Southern Netherlands. It was belived that it could cross the the English Channel and back in a day and sink a hundred ships a long the way. -
The fourth published submarine By David Bushnell
David Bushnell was a Yale Graduate when he built the "Turtle" the firts submarine to ever make an attack on an enemy ship and was operaed by Sergent Ezra Lee.