Camp David Accords
Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem held peace talks in Camp David. Egypt agreed to recognize Israel as a nation and Israel agreed to give back the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt. -
Peace treaty
A peace treaty between Egypt and Israel ended 3 decades of war. -
Sadat assassinated
The peace treaty angered many people, and on October 6, 1981, Anwar Sadat was assassinated. -
Invasion of Lebanon
The Palestine Liberation Organization-Led by Yasir Arafat-wanted to destroy Israel. Israel fought back and invaded Lebanon. They coninued to bomb suspected PLO stronholds and eventually world opinion and constant guerilla attacks forced Israel to withdraw. -
First Intifada
Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip protested against Israeli policies. Youths hurled things at Israeli soldiers in which they arrested, beat, or sometimes killed. -
Oslo Accords
Secret negotiations between Palestine and Israel in Oslo, Norway. The PLO agreed to recognize Israel in return for Palestinian self-rule in portions of the West Bank, and Gaza Strip-Palestinian Authority. -
Rabin assasinated
Many were unhappy with the agreements, and the Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, was assisnated by an Israeli extremist. -
Second Intifada
Hamas started getting stronger and led to the second intifada. Israel built a wall across the West Bank, but it isolated many of Palestines towns, continuing to anger the Palestinians.