The beginning: First Chapter of the novel
In the first chapter the author introduces us the main character - Eugene Onegin. It was started in Kishinev and finished in Odessa during the south deportation. -
The second Chapter of the novel: Meeting with Tatiana and Vladimir
In this chapter you can read about "cute ideal" of Pushkin, about young poet Lenskii and his friendship with the main character. The writing of this part was finished in 12.08.1823. -
The third Chapter: Great Love of Tatiana
This part was started in Odessa and finished in Mihailovskoye, where Pushkin was creating during second deportation. In this chapter you can find Tatiana writing the love letter, you can be surprised by the life story of her nurse Filippovna and also you can see young lady, who is full of love. -
The Fourth Chapter: explanation between Tanya and Eugene
Cute Tatiana becomes clever woman understanding all problems that she should overcome. Eugene, suffering selfish, acted honestly although he made lady upset. This part was writing with interruptions because of creating other poems and was finished 06.01.1826. -
The Fifth Chapter: Dream and Reality
Strange dream that ensures Tatiana in her deep love of Onegin. This dream opens eyes of the reader and show them lady with Russian national soul. Moreover in this part you can find the beginning of the conflict between Lenskii and Onegin. The final word was written 11.22.1826. -
The Sixth Chapter: Duel and Death
Beautiful Vladimir dies and Pushkin's romanticism disappears. This last part of the novel written during deportation. Finished in 1827. -
The Unpublished Chapter: Wandering of Onegin
Looking for the aim of life and trying to change his mood, Evgenii decided to travel. This chapter was missed because of author's decision. This part had been finished before the eighth chapter. -
The Seventh Chapter: Fate of Tatiana
After death of young poet soon Olga becomes a wife and leaves the motherland. Tatiana finds out that her beloved is different person and that his real face makes her more loving. Also here you can read about going Tatiana to Moscow. This part was finished in Malinniki 11.04.1828. -
The Eighth Chapter: Twist in life of Tatiana
"Who is this beautiful woman?" - asked Eugene. The reader meets Tatiana again and notices that she has changed. Love of Onegin becomes the reason for love confession. However, Tatiana will never change her mind about moral principles, like loyalty to her husband. This chapter was finished in Boldino 09.25.1830, but the letter was added in 1831. -
The Story of Publishing the Novel
In 1833, Pushkin published Eugene Onegin in its final form (one book). The second edition of the novel was released in January 1837, almost without any changes.