The story of us

  • Jul 15, 1095


    The Crusades were military campaigns sanctioned by the Latin Roman Catholic Church during the High Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages. In 1095, Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade with the stated goal of restoring Christian access to holy places in and near Jerusalem.
  • Jan 1, 1317

    posting of nthe 95 thes

    posting of nthe 95 thes
    martin luther a monkbegon to question the teachings of the church . oc tober 31,1517 - posted 95th eseson the door of the wittehberg church
  • Jan 1, 1340

    black death

    black death
    It , is the plague of the 1300s. the plague killed 1/3 Europan popwation over 25 milliovaed it was a punisbment frorn god
  • Aug 3, 1492

    voyage of columbus

    voyage of columbus
    1492 chris to pher colmbas (italy)
    thought he couid sailw to eto india
    kando from spain gaue the $ 13jhips santa makia , mina , pint ,
    4 trips
  • Apr 2, 1513

    ponce de leun explorcs floridn

    ponce de leun explorcs floridn
    1st congvist ador to expirre modern day U.S
    " fantain of yonth " nevier faund
  • Jan 3, 1521

    martin luther is exeommuni cated

    martin luther is exeommuni cated
    the pope deman ded luther recar ( take back ) his 95th
    luther was excommunicted from the catnolic churon
    luther began his owh churoh knownas luther aniscn
  • Dec 23, 1524

    Vascooe Gama

    Vascooe Gama
    1524 portugal Exprer
    1st Eurupean to sail from Eurooe to india arodnd afriua
    They wanted lndia's spices
  • Jan 1, 1532

    king henry villest anglican church

    king henry villest anglican church
    king henry villest ansli can church midd leases
  • May 8, 1541

    Hernando de soto explores miss ssippl

    Hernando de soto explores miss ssippl
    spain 1533 1 st eurofean to eversee it
    asked to exploe the of U.S

    searcng for gold
  • Sep 22, 1554

    coronado explores the grand canyon

    coronado explores the grand canyon
    spain 1540 1st eurpean to see this
    suutheastern U.S
    looring 7 cities of cibul ( 6old ) rever fond
  • massachusett bay est .

    massachusett bay est .
    n. eng land
    $ fish , shipbuildilp , lumber whaling
    oxported (sold ) corn , fbg , lumber
    growing scafuud , cranloemier , and livcstoae
  • salem witch tria 1692

    salem witch tria 1692
    salem village - puritan commuity
    began uimnome of rev . parris tituba telling stor.
    gir15 beyan a cting arast wichcrare
  • french and lndian war

    french and lndian war
    fignt between fratce and the ctrc liver vally
    frienlnnice to lndruns
    Ehglond (dr) g. wesnig ton teney otion
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    reduce the rate of taxon molasses fromsix pence to three pence per gallon but ensu red the rew tax cuid be collected by increased
  • french victory general brock killed

    french victory general brock killed
    British ohwned - frehch wonit
    3 watcraways
    - frenen renamed it pitt
  • stanp act

    stanp act
    british soldievgin baston a pehed fire on a grou pot nrnep
    bhitis in stitedw mumder
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    the british call the boston massacre the " incidentcn king street.
    after the incident, both sides tried to mak the other sidc look bad . one famou sengravis by paul revere shows captin predton or dering his mento .
  • tea act

    tea act
    the press tecame more active inits politicaldis cussions
    the soh of liberty orgahised public demon starty a gainst the british gouer nment
    public meetiars were held everyone got to he ar a bout the yeafct resulting in strong anti brirsh attitudes
  • Lewis & clark Expe dition

    Lewis & clark Expe dition
    Theyt fave led across the couhtry to the pacific ocear & back gsain
    captain meliwe ther lewis was incharge
    thomas jeffer son priete
  • 2nd continental congrss

    2nd continental congrss
    metat can penler hall in philalelpha pehnsy wania
    Thed elegates took two malor actions
    members of the firstcnhtol con gralss inclvded john Adams patrick. hemy . djw
  • battel of lexington con cord

    battel of lexington con cord
    the british army set cut from boston to cop tvie febel leaders samuel a doms and john hanlack in lexingon as well as to dunatnroy. the ameriean weupons concetd.
  • winter at valley forye

    winter at valley forye
    It was hore that the Amerkoh furces becurhe a true figniy vnit
    valleyf crgeis of ton calld the birth place of pcnrs ylavira aroound 25 miles hotn wesr of phitodon
  • under grovnd railroud

    under grovnd railroud
    slave owher sreally wanted harriet Tubman , a famous con ductor for the railroud arrested they offere ove 100,000 slave ecape 10 etween the acst ery of the railroad
  • war of 1812

    war of 1812
    Bri ti sh were fighting napolehnin europe
    1812 - 1814 on land in worth a mericaon coast
  • oregon trail

    oregon trail
    Amajor route that peole to ok whigrating to the westem purt of the U.S.
    berahin independehce, missovri and endedin cregncity
    2,000 miles and thiaoush 6 difforeht states
  • mexican - American war

    mexican - American war
    primarily orer the territcry of texas
    Texashad beeh a stste of the covntry mexicosince 1821 texs joined the nis. as the 28th state.
  • Donner party

    Donner party
    hearly 90 emigruts leftpr in gfield
    tryed to takeon hew rovte
    the ywere traped innavy snaw fall
  • compromi'se of 1850

    compromi'se of 1850
    ah act to supp ress the slave train the distrct of colundia
    an act to amend the 1793 fugitiue gove act
    anact to estaish a trerritorial government for utan
  • Emancipatpon prodamation

     Emancipatpon prodamation
    congress shell harepo wen to enrorce this aris ariclie by appon piatte
    the orieldolumen was fivepagl lons
    it is curren tiy located in nationat
  • assassination of linwln

    assassination of linwln
    Linccin wsas shet orapril 14 , 1865
    he was the first pregidert to be as sag sinahed.
    He diedon april 15.1865
  • fugitive slave lan

    fugitive slave lan
    the federal acts of 1793 and 1850 proviling
    in 1850 ion gress passed the fugitive slave act
    the law was opposed in miany nor ther hstats