The Story Of Us

  • Jan 1, 1100


    The Crusades started in 1905. Western Europe told by the Pope to fight against the muslim army over the Holy Land of Jerusalem. THe Pope believed it was okay to kill non-catholics because they didnt have the same beliefs as catholics. The Pope led his soilders to believe if you fight in Holy Land, you would be forgiven of all your past sins. Important:Fights over the holy land.
  • Jan 1, 1430

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Black Death started in the year 1347. The black death killed 1/3 of Europes population. If you were caring for a loved one who lad the plague, you were known to die soon after they do. The Black Death were carried by fleas. important that it killed 1/3 of europes population
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus Voyage

    Columbus Voyage
    A young italian man named Christopher Columbus absolutley loved navigaion. He had this crazy plan to sail west to get eeast. He got support from the royals in SPain.THey gave him 3 ships and enough money and supplies to last the whole trip.He found New Land and Royalty was happy because they believed the more land, the more power. important:Discovered new land
  • Jan 1, 1497

    Dias Voyage

    Dias Voyage
    Dias is a student of King Henry's navigatin school. He wanted to reach Indiaby sailing around the tip of Afirca.Weh nDias tried in 1497, he died once he reached the South tip of Afirca. Died in South Afirca
  • Jan 1, 1509

    King Henry's 1st marriage

    King Henry's  1st marriage
    King Henry married Catherine,Princess of Aragon in the year 1509. However.Henry was sleeping around. Catherine had 2 miscarriages before hving a daughter. THey named this daughter Mary.Henry was furious because he neededa son. So the king goes to the church and asks the pope for a divorce. Importance-wife has daughter named Mary.
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Ponce De Leon explores Florida

    Ponce De Leon explores Florida
    Ponce De Leon was on the search for "The Fountain Of Youth" However, The Fountain Of Youth doesn't exist. So, he ended up landing on the east coast of Florida. De Leon is however mostly known for being th first explorer to reach North America mainland Discovered North America.
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Cortes Defeat the Aztecs

    Cortes Defeat the Aztecs
    Cortes defeating the aztecs is also known as "The Spanish conquests of the Aztecs. The European settlers had a victory. However,just a little after the spanish arrived, a batte started between Coretes' army and the Aztec people. Europeans had victory
  • Jan 1, 1532

    King Henry VIII's Divorce

    King Henry VIII's Divorce
    The Pope refused the request for divorce so King Henry removed England from the Catholic Church. He then created the "Angelican Church" or the "Church Of England".THe king now ruled the country and the church. A short while later King Henry married Anne Boleyne,who gave him a daughter named Elizabeth.The king accused Ann Boleyne of cheating ,and had her beheaded. imoportance- He split from the church and divorced his wife.
  • Jan 1, 1537

    King Henry Gets a son

    King Henry Gets a son
    King Henry Had a son with his third wife Jane Seymour. They had named him Edward. Henry and Jane really loved eachother,however Jane died at child birth. henry was devestated. It took him 2 years to get married again. Henry married 3 more times before he died. Importance-Henry gets a son
  • Jan 1, 1565

    Establishing St.Augustine

    Establishing St.Augustine
    St. Augustine was founded by Spanish explorer Pedro Menedez de auilies,who landed on and he shore of what is currently Matanzas Bay. He then built a villiage on where coincidentally Ponce De Leon Landed on when he reached Floradian 1513 reached Florida
  • Jamestown establishment

    Jamestown establishment
    Jamestown was founded by The Virginia Company. In the year 1607 ,144 man were sent by King James 1 to start a colony. They started the colony in a very bad,swamoy place so they couldnt make muchfood. This place was named Jamestown in honopr of the king
    not good lond and not much food,many died
  • Plymouth Establish

    Plymouth Establish
    People who spoke out against the church were getting persecuted. They asked the king to move to Holland , where they stayed for 10 years.After 10 years, their kids began adapting dutch ways so they had to move. While sailing, they went off course in a bad storm. When they landed they claimed the land and named it Plymouth. This is where the 1st happened.
    First Thanksgiving
  • Maryland Establish

    Maryland Establish
    Maryland was a place for freedom. Many people who get persecuted in ENgland asked to move here. This was where George Calvert made a church that accepted all religions New Church/religious freedom
  • Deleware Establishment

    Deleware Establishment
    Deleware is the smallest state. It was also located south of New Jersey and lies along the ANtlantic Coast. The soil was very fresh which helped plant foods. THey often planted wheat,fruits, and veggies. importance: new,fertile land
  • Pennsylvania Establish

    Pennsylvania Establish
    Pennsylvania was the 2nd largest state. Its largest city,philidelphis is located on the Deleware River on the lowlands of the southeast. This land was also very fertile. For this helped grow many crops
  • Quartering act

    Quartering act
    The quartering act was passed in 1765. The quartering act meant colonist were now required to give britsh soilders a place to live and food to eat,even if it meant they couldnt sleep in their house or eat dinner important: british soilders took homes and food
  • The stamp Act

    The stamp Act
    The stamp act was passed in 1765. This is where parliment (britsh congress) put a tax on printed goods. This was the first ever direct tax on the colonists. this means there was a tax collecter outside waiting to have you pay your twaxes.British people began to boycott.This boycott caused the government to not make anymoney. This caused the tax to repealed in 1766 important: act was repealed
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    THe boston tea party was the way the colonists rebelled against the government. Parliment put a tax on all tea. This required colonist to buy british east india company tea. This enraged the group "sons of liberty" so they got people to disguise themselves as indians and poured all the tea into the pear harbor.
    revnge on parliment
  • coersive act

    coersive act
    The Coercive act was the punishment for the Bosten tea party. The boston tea port was shutdown. This enraged boston because they made all their money. THey stopped allowing the colonists to have town meetings because that is how they made their plans. All participants of the boston tea port were tried in england because england would be more harsh. Punishment for boston tea party
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    Thomas Jefferson was selected to write the Declaration Of Indeoendence. Once it was finished,they called delates to review it . When the votes wera all over, there were a lot of changes mad to the Declaration. Jefferson was not happy about it. However it did get all signitures needed on July 4th,1776. This is America's Indeoendence Day. importance:officially indeoendent
  • Battle Of Yorktown

    Battle Of Yorktown
    Benedict Arnold went against the Patriots and told the redcoats all of the secrets about the patriots. So the british headed towards Virginia and so did the Patriots. Once they got there they started to fight some Patriots. Eventually,Washington arrived on another side and a french fleet came and blocked all ways out. This caused to british to surrender. British Surrendered
  • Treaty Of Paris

    Treaty Of Paris
    The treaty of Paris 1783 was what officially seperated Britain and America. This happened when the British surrendered at THe Battle Of Yorktown. Not long after, America declared their independace and started buying land. important - America and England are now seperate.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    This was the first expedition for America. They were chosen by Ben Franklin to get more land for the west. They had many encounters with navive, thankfully, nice native. On This trip, they found a native who wanted to join th trip...Sacagewea. They learned many new things about plants animals and types of land.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    THe indian removal act of 1830 was caused by president Jackson. Andrew jackson wanted all indians gone to get their land. they removed these indians with force which caused an event called "the trail of tears". 80,000 lived and 10,000 died on their way yo eastern oklahoma. These indians were forced to move by a treaty which was written in English so some didnt understand it. Some also signed the treaty just to any issues over with
    Indians were kicked out of their home.
  • THe Donner Party

    THe Donner Party
    THe donner party was a main point to prove how dangerous the trail was. Their mistakes will later show others knew what they shouldn't do. The donner family got stuck at the Sierra mountains during winter. They lost all their food after 3 weeks. They eventually turned to Cannabilism. The man controlling how to travel heard of a route that would shave 2 months off but it really added 100 miles.
    important:oregon trail/specific way to travel
  • Californis Gold Rush

    Californis Gold Rush
    John Sutter got land to build a fort. He hire James arshall to build it for him. Marshall however found gold. They wanted to keep the gold a secret but it got out. Soon, everyone was traveling from everywhere to find gold. important:Gold was found in California
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    Dred Scott was the slave of a militery doctor who lived in Missouri,which was a slave state. The owner of Dred Scott had to travel for his job. So,while in Wisconsin,the Doctor died. when Dred learned that the doctor had died he said he was a free citizen. However,years later,the doctors family came to collect their inheritance-including Dred. Dred tried to sue for his freedom,however,the supreme court ruled that slaves are property. Wisconsin is a free state,the family has no right to take him
  • John Browns Raid

    John Browns Raid
    John Brown was a radical abolitionist. He wanted to ztart a slave rebellion. His plan was to raid the arsonal at Harper's Ferry,VAand give the weapons to the slaves. However,Brown forgot to tell the slaves about the plan. As a result,Brown and his 9 sons got captured while raiding the arsonal. Slaves werent free and John brown cant do any plans!
  • Gettysburg address

    Gettysburg address
    The Gettysburg address was a speech Abraham Lincoln gave at the location of where the Battle Of Gettysburg took place. Tha address was dedication to the Gettysburg Cemetery. Importance:Dedicaton to the Gettysburg Cemetery
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Enancipation Proclamtion freed all slaves in the rebel states. This act happened January 1st 1864. Importance:All slaves are free from the rebel state.
  • President Lincoln's assassination

    President Lincoln's assassination
    President Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth on April 15th 1865.He was shot at Ford's theatre and taken to a house across the street,where he would die during the night.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    The Oregon Trail was when people would travel from one place to another. They did this in hopes to make an already good life etter. THey made this decision that will determine how ong they live.This trail killed many. They were hoping to beat the Sierra Mountains at the winter time. However, thay did end up their. importance: Traveling to make a good life better