The Story of my Life

  • A baby and milking cows

    A baby and milking cows
    Today, mother gave birth to a baby. Its' a boy. We're not sure what to name him. Also, Aunty taught me and (my sister) Anna how to cook. It was really fun, actually.
  • Baby's new name

    Baby's new name
    Today, the baby is 1 month old. We thought of a name for him. His name ended up to be Eustace. Eustace Young. I think his name mean fruitful and productive. Anna thinks it suits him. Nothing unusual happened today. (For dinner, Anna and I made deep meat pies with fruits and spices. Dried fruits and custards were served for dessert.
  • First Christmas for Eustace

    First Christmas for Eustace
    Today is Christmas! It is also Eustace's first Christmas. Today mother, Anna and I are going to make roast turkey, cold boiled ham, mashed potatoes, and boiled onions for dinner. It's my day off from doing chores today so (my cousins) Joshua, Linea, Nicholas, Xavier, Oliver, Lily, Emali, Anna and I played games like hide and seek, chess, and checkers. We also sang Christmas carols. around the neighbourhood. Today was really tiring, but fun.
  • My 11th birthday

    My 11th birthday
    Today is my 11th birthday! All my cousins came to celebrate and we played alot of games! For dinner we had roast chicken, and boiled carrots, potatoes, and beans. Mother made me pound cake and it was very tasty. Anna gave me a sweater she was working on for the past few months, and mother and father gave me a plaid dress mother has been working on.
  • Starting a Quilt

    Starting a Quilt
    Today, I am starting to make a quilt for the upcoming cold days of fall and winter. (My cousin) Xavier gave me wool from his sheep to use as stuffing for the quilt. In return, I offered him some pumpkin, squash, and turkey in return. I made some dyes from flowers,herbs, and vegetables to add some colour to it. Father came back with several geese and a tukrkey. I went walking in the woods with (my cousins) Linea, and Oliver and we caught a fish and brought it back home. Today was very busy.
  • A very sad death

    A very sad death
    Yesterday my father died. All I know is that he was sick for last one month with fever and cough. Anna and Oliver say, my father had wasting disease which is spreading in lower Canada because of immigration of new British settlers. My dad's name was Eljiah. He was a kind chap, but he was strict about when to do what. Mother is crying really badly and I don't know what to do about it. Anna is slouching in the corner looking emotionless. I will really miss my father.
  • Married; again

    Married; again
    Today my mother is getting married again. For the past months, our family hasn't ate or slept right. We don't have enough resources to live. The goat has got sick and isn't making as much milk anymore. The cow died a few weeks ago and the sheep isn't growing it's fur anymore. Now mother is getting married again so we can survive. My new father's name is Zephaniah. I know, it is kind of a weird name. I told mother that getting married again would be disloyal to father. She didn't listen to me.
  • Another baby!

    Another baby!
    Today, mother had another baby! This time, it's a girl. I wouldn't really call her my sister. Anna said that she would be a step sister to us. Mother said she got married again so we could survive. Well, I don't really see the logic in that is we have another mouth to feed!!!!!!! I guess I shouldn't really blame it on the baby. I mean, it isn't really her fault.
  • A new name(again...)

    A new name(again...)
    Stepdad and mom figured out the baby's name. They thought her name would be Ambrosia. Xavier, who is rich enough to go to school, told me that it meant food of the gods. I'm not sure what that meant but, that's okay. Ambrosia. I like it. I think that Anna favours Eustace better than Ambrosia. I like Ambrosia. She's quite calm and happy. I think I have only seen her cry 4 times! Thats probably the record...
  • I'm fourteen!!

    I'm fourteen!!
    Today is the day in which I'm turning fourteen! Mother says that I'm going to have to work harder such as makig meals by myself, and knitting and sewing and stuff of that sort. Nicholas said that he would teach me how to ride a horse which I can't wait for.
  • Chicken pox?

     Chicken pox?
    Today, Anna, Alistair, Eustace, Ambrosia, and I all went to see the doctor. She didn't want me to get the sickness as well, so she asked me to wait outside. After waiting for 1 hour or so, everyone finally came out with medicine in Alistair's hands. I looked shockingly at the medicine and worriedly asked them what happened. Anna said that they all came down with the chicken pox. Apparently small bumps appear on your skin. If you take the madicine, it'll go away.
  • Anna is getting married

    Anna is getting married
    Today Anna is getting married. She is 25 years old. Much older than I am. She is getting married to a guy named Alistair. A very formal man I must say. He seems nice, other than the fact that he doesn't talk much; the total opposite of Anna but what can I say? I mean, opposites do attract. Anyways, I'm the flower girl and I get a really nice dress with a velvet lacing. Next thing you know, I'm going to be an aunt to a newborn child. My, time does fly by doesn't it?
  • I got 2 dogs!

    I got 2 dogs today! Weel, I should rather say that Alistair got them for me. I mean, he is from a very wealthy and rich family. one of the dog's name is Delgado. Rather Spanish sounding, isn't it? The other dog's name is Evangeline. It's origin is greek. It mean bearer of good. I'm really happy. I owe Alistair alot!
  • A fight. A really big fight

    Today I got into a really big fight with Joshua. Thank god Oliver helped me; if not, I probably would have died. We were all fishing at the pond in our woods when suddenly, we saw a deer. Joshua thought of shooting it but Oliver and I thought that was animal cruelty. We were about to stop him when he shot the deer. Oliver hit him and I gasped. The fight started and Josh got so angry that he was going to punch me when Oliver came to the rescue. Josh said sorry and went home in silence.
  • Sickness

    Everyone in our family is coming down with a cold! Mother has gone to somewhere far, far away with Zephaniah for there anniversary. Eustace and Ambrosia are coughing like their mad, and then Anna and Alistair have a fever! But I, don't really think I'm sick at all, actually. How am I going to help everyone without getting sick at the same time? They will hopefully get better in time...
  • Bruises

    Today I got really hurt. I was playing tag with (my cousins) Lily and LInea until I turned around to see (my dog) Evangeline come sprinting at me. But it was too late. Before I knew it I went out cold. After a long time, I finally woke up to see mother, Anna, Lily, and Linea looking at me with concern. I didn't know what happened until Linea explained that Evangeline pounced on me. There were bruises everywhere on me. I hope they will go away soon. Life isn't good to me at the moment.
  • a Signed Treaty

    a Signed Treaty
    Since Oliver and Xavier are giving me lessons on Canadian history and politics, I was told that United Kingdom/United States treaty for suppression of African slave trade was signed. I'm glad that they are helping coutries in need. Oliver told me that another name for poor countries is third world countries.
  • A governer general's death

    A governer general's death
    I was told that James Bryce died today. He was the Governer General, a High Commissioner in charge of opening trades with China and Japan, and Viceroy of India. But he was the one who ordered the Old Summer Palace in Beiging to be destroyed! That's just infuriates me!
  • ANOTHER DEATH!!!!!!!!!!

    ANOTHER DEATH!!!!!!!!!!
    WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE DIE!!!!!! Today, James FitzGibbon who was the British colonel who served in Canada for 45 years, died. He was deputy provincial grand master, the highest office in Upper Canada. He moved to England in 1847 after the death of his wife Mary Haley, with whom he had four sons and a daughter. In 1850 he was appointed a Military Knight of Windsor. Wow. After lessons from Oliver, I'm starting to sound like a politician! Maybe I should ask him to teach me language too....
  • the Charlotetown Conference ends

    the Charlotetown Conference ends
    Charlotetown Conference was originally planned as a meeting between representatives from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. Newfoundland agreed with their decisions but was not told in time to take part in the conference.However Upper Canada and Lower Canada heard news of the planned conference and asked that they be included in this conference.Newfoundland also asked to be joined in the conference in August but it was too late.
  • The Quebec Conference

    The Quebec Conference
    The Quebec Conference started 4 days ago. 16 delegates from the Province of Canada (Upper Canada and Lower Canada), Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island had agreed at the closing of the Charlottetown Conference to meet again at Quebec City. Newfoundland also sent two observers, but did not participate directly in the Conference. British Columbia did not participate in the Conference at all.
  • The Quebec Conference ends

    The Quebec Conference ends
    the delegates returned to their provinces to submit the 72 resolutions to the provincial legislatures. The 72 resolutions, were a set of proposals drafted at the Quebec Conference, which laid out the foundation for the Canadian Constitution. Only Prince Edward Island rejected the resolutions. The Province of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia then set about securing partial autonomy from the British government.
  • New Brunswick General Election

    New Brunswick General Election
    The New Brunswick general election began today. The general election happens to elect 41 members to the 21st New Brunswick Legislative Assembly. This is the 21st general election for the British colony of New Brunswick, but is considered the 1st general election for the New Brunswick.
  • the London Conference

    the London Conference
    The London Conference started three days ago; it was held in the United Kingdom. Sixteen delegates from the Province of Canada (Upper Canada and Lower Canada), Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick gathered with officials of the British government to discuss the British North America Act.
  • Education systems at the London Conference

    Education systems at the London Conference
    A major issue of contention was the education system, with Roman Catholic bishops lobbying for guarantees protecting the separate school system. This was opposed by delegates from the Maritimes, and the compromise reached a guarantee that there will be separate school systems in Quebec and Ontario but not in Nova Scotia or New Brunswick.
  • The Dominion of Canada

    The Dominion of Canada
    Today the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick are united into the Dominion of Canada by the British North America Act. Which pretty much means that we are all now one big family! We are thinkin of moving. Now we are in Quebec, but Alistair said that he has enough money for us to move to Nova Scotia!
  • Our first Prime Minister

    Our first Prime Minister
    We got ourself our very own Prime Minister! Yes we do, and his name is Sir John A. Macdonald. John Alexander Macdonald was born in Glasgow, Scotland, on 11 January 1815. His father was Hugh Macdonald, an unsuccessful merchant, who had married Helen Shaw on. John Alexander Macdonald was the third of five children. After Hugh Macdonald's merchanting business left him in debt, the family emigrated to Upper Canada.
  • Replacement of names

    Replacement of names
    Lord Lisgar replaces Viscount Monck of Ballytrammon as Governor General. Which means that they pretty much changed the name Viscount Monck of Ballytrammon to Governer General. I like the new name better because it is much shorter that Viscount Monck of Ballytrammon.
  • Canadian Illustrated News

    Canadian Illustrated News
    The Canadian Illustrated News was released a few days ago. It is a weekly Canadian illustrated magazine published in Montreal (where I live). Now, we can get information on politics and the government really fast!
  • My marriage

    Tomorrow I'm getting married. I just thought tht I would tell that to you today because I probably won't have time t tell you tomorrow anyways. The goom's name is Samson Hughes. He is from England but then he came to Canada. He is lucky that he is healthy after taking a long journey over seas in a ship to Canada. He is very smart and rich. He takes a job as a doctor so we don't need to worry about being poor. He seems quite nice and quiet. Respectable for a man with 7 siblings.
  • Mother died.

    I don't know how it happened but, mother is dead. I guess that fever she was having really did an impact on her body. She was coughing real bad and when I went to her bed to give her milk, she wasn't breathing. Now, only Zephaniah, Anna, Alistair, Samson and I are here to take care of Eustace, Ambrosia, and 2 dogs. Well, we have cows and goats to give us milk and cheese,we have plenty of fruits and vegetables in the garden, and we can always go hunting in the woods to get meat.
  • A Census

    A Census
    Today a Canadian Census was told that Canada has a population of 3,689,257 people.That is a big number! A census is the process of questioning and recording information about the members of a given population which in this case is; the population of Canada.
  • Anna and I are mothers

    Anna and I gave birth just 4 days ago to babies. Anna got a girl; and I got twin boys. Anna is really happy and so am I. We need to think of some good names. Maybe some modern names. That would be nice.
  • New Names

    We have figured out some new names for my twins and Anna's daughter. Anna wanted to name her daughter Athena. I thought that I would name my two twin sons Perseus and Apollo. These names are all names associated with greek mythology. Athena is the name of the Greek goddess of wisdom, Apollo is the Greek god of Music and Arts, and Perseus is a son of Zeus.
  • A Derailment

    A Derailment
    A Grand Trunk Railway express passenger train from Toronto to Montreal derails near a Mohawk Camp, killing 34.
  • A mine Explosion

    A mine Explosion
    Sixty are killed in a coal mine explosion in Nova Scotia. Alistair went there for a marketing venture. I hope that he is alright. I always knew that the 13th was an unlucky number...
  • The Halifax Herald

    The Halifax Herald
    It has been a week since the Halifax Herald was first published and it is already in great business! I got a copy and tried reading it and it was actually very informative! The cartoons are really well done and I think that it will be the newspaper of the year.
  • The first long-distance phone call

    The first long-distance phone call
    Today, the world's first long-distance phone call was made by Alexander Graham Bell to a nearby shoe and boot store. Us Canadians are heading into the direction of technology!

    The Great Fire of Saint John, New Brunswick had destroyed over 80 hectares and 1,612 structures including eight churches, six banks, fourteen hotels, eleven schooners and four wood boats.Oh that is very frightening! I hope that we will survive if such things enter our home...
  • prime minister for the second time

    prime minister for the second time
    Sir John A. Macdonald becomes prime minister for the second time, replacing Alexander Mackenzie. I had just finished baking a fruit cake for Perseus and Apollo (my sons). They are getting along quite well and Samson and I are thinking of sending them off to school.
  • The Alberta Canada Cannibal

     The Alberta Canada Cannibal
    A Mohawk tribe member, Swift Runner was executed for murdering and then eating eight members of his own family over the previous winter. He believed he was possessed by Wendigo, a terrifying mythological creature with a ravenous appetite for human flesh.
  • A Fatal injury

    A Fatal injury
    George Brown, Scottish-born Canadian journalist, politician and one of the Fathers of Confederation; fatally shot by a disgruntled employee.
  • 1881 Census

    The 1881 census finds Canada's population to be 4,324,810
  • Eustace's marriage

    Eustace's marriage is today. He is getting married to a fine woman, whose name is Scarlet. I think she is three years younger than Eustace. I wish for him to have a happy future life
  • an official town!

    an official town!
    Regina officially declared a town. Regina is now an official town in the province of Calgary. Perseus and Apollo were just sent off to school. They were always asking to go to school. Since we can afford it, we finally let them go to school at the age of 10. Perseus is more interested in math and science; while Apollo is more interested in music and art. They will surely grow up to be smart fellows.
  • A Busy Bee

    I think that I am starting to get too busy for writing in you. This will be my last day with you. We are doing a fall cleaning to get rid of unnecessary items. Of course I will keep you as a memory. Samson's mother is coming to our house for dinner today. Anna, Alistair, Athena, are coming as well. A family renunion with a lot of food and I am thinking of making apple cider. And of course, I have to help the kids with their school work as well. Good bye diary, I will really miss you.