THe Story Of Me Breeze Ghrist

  • I was born

    i was born June 22 2010 and that was the start of my life
  • first steps

    first steps
    When i started to walk
  • First tooth lost

    First tooth lost
    this is the start to having heathy adult teeth
  • First day of Kindergarden

    First day of Kindergarden
    When i started to go to school
  • First cruise

    First cruise
    first time on a boat
  • First baseball game

    First baseball game
    for my first baseball game we watched
  • went to disney

    went to disney
    when i went to disney foe the first time
  • got my cat

    got my cat
    my first pet other then a fish
  • Bought a home here

    Bought a home here
    i did live in edimboro before i lived in erie
  • Niagara falls for the first time

    Niagara falls for the first time