the story of me...avery ward (i joke about my tramua, im ok, im getting mental help)

  • The day i was born

    The day i was born
    i was born at 3AM and i almost killed my mom, something happened with her heart when i was born.
  • parents got divored

    i got two birthdays and a second christmas so that cool
  • moving into my forever home

  • covid 19 reached usa

    covid 19 reached usa
    lockdown was horrifying
  • my first anthrocon

    my first anthrocon
    helped me feeling better about who i was.
  • halloween party

    halloween party
    got bullied alot.
  • getting mental help

    i apperntly have dangerouly high anxiety and depression and self esteem so low, it was litterly of the chart.
  • Trip to las vegas

    I felt happy because every one there was weid and diffrent. i nevergot weird looks, and really helped to know that there is place like that.
  • losing my friends

    they kicked me out of the friend group on moring. at 4 am. they said it was embarasing to watch me get bullied every day and that they think im "goofy" and "weird" even though they are to. one said they didnt like furries anymore (thats fine) but one of the kids left in the group is a furry and the didnt kick her out :(
  • sister leaving for collage

    this was ahard thing. she is the reason my slef esteem wasnt even lower. she encoraged me to be weird and was weird to. when i lost my friends she invited me to hang out with her high school friends.
  • my future

    When im older i want to work in a morge. i love the study of anatomy but i dont like interacting with (live) people