I was born
This is the day I was born -
My first birthday
This is my first birthday -
I started talking
This is when I started talking full words -
I stopped using diapers
This is when I stopped using diapers -
Started School
This s when I started doing a few hours into school -
Started First Grade
This is when I started first grade -
I won my first soccer game
This is when I won my first soccer game -
My 1st place Karate trophy
This is when I got a 1st place karate trophy -
Started 6th Grade in Walnut Creek
This was my first day in 6th grade -
We went into lock down (Corona virus)
Due to Corona virus we went into lock down and did virtual school for some time -
Started hybrid 7th Grade
This is when I started the hybrid plan for 7th grade school