Fat squirrel

The Story of me

  • What happened the year I was born

    I was born and Harley davidson motors became 100 years old
  • I was born

    I was born
    In 2003 I was born. I don't think their is anything else left to say about that
  • Disney 2007

    Disney 2007
    Now not to be topped by being born but Disney 2007 was the last family vacation I had before my parents divorced in 2010. So that trip was quite the trip as it was the most fun I have ever had in disney.
  • Jumping a little farther to the future

    Jumping a little farther to the future
    In 2014 I got my first Guitar and synth and from that point on I have been taking lessons and making my own music. I think that this a huge life change because in December of 2017 I played my first show at J&J's which burnt to the ground the day after I played but that gave me a boost of listeners as I have 5,000 people who stream my music daily.
  • Niagra falls canada

    Niagra falls canada
    In June 2015, I went to Niagara falls Canada and that was absolute breath taking it was amazing and after I visited the northern part of Canada and Toronto. It was amazing
  • 2016-Present

    I feel that everyday I do something new it is interesting so ever since 2016 I have made it a point to do one new thing everyday and have done that successfully since December 31st 2016