The Day Of Mourning
The day of the mourning was a day of sadness for the indigenous people because this was the day that there culture died and where there land was lost. But the white People celebrate this day because it is the day were the first fleet arrived. -
1962 Granting of the Federal vote
This was when the aboriginal people finally got the rights to vote in equality to the white man. This had taken so long because of the discrimination shown to the aborigine people. But in some states there was restriction on the aboriginal people such as in south for women they had to be 21 or over. -
Freedom Riders 1965
A group of people bringing attention to the public about the poor aboriginal health in Sydney they also where tyring to cause awareness for their housing and education. They did this in hope that people would have more respect for aboriginals and stop the discrimination of the indigenous people. They called their group Student Action for Aborigines but SAFA for short. -
Tent Embassy 1972
The Aboriginal people put up their tents outside the court in Canberra and protested about the mining operations on aborigine land this first started with two men and very quickly grew. After many battles and struggles the place of the embassy is now an aboriginal landmark. -
Referendum 1967
This was a court day that they removed words other meanings to aboriginal people. The vote had a high percentage towards yes. Which was good for the aboriginal people so the discrimination towards there people but sorts of discrimination was still around. -
1975 Vincent Lingiari & Land Rights
Vincent Lingiari fought for the aboriginal people because of the mining of the area of the Gurindji people Vincent was elected leader and stood up and fought for his people Gough Whitlam met with Vincent and gave him the sand of the local area symbolling that he was giving back there land to the Gurindji people. -
Redfern Speech (Paul Keating)
Paul Keating’s speech was him apologising to the aboriginal people for the past government and that there would not be any discrimination towards the aboriginal people again and that they will have equal rights to every other person that lives in Australia. -
‘Bringing Them Home’ Report
Bringing them home is a report of the thousands of the aboriginal people that were forcefully taken away from their family and the children that will never see their family’s again. The report is the aboriginal people telling the people their stories that has happened to them in the past. -
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People
After 20 years of talking between the UN and the indigenous people they finally gave the indigenous people the rights they deserved and had been fighting for. It was called the Declaration on the rights of indigenous people (DRIP) for short. -
Apology (Kevin Rudd)
On February 13th 2008 Aboriginal people across Australia were all listening to Kevin Rudd apologise to the stolen generation and said sorry. Many believe that the government did nt have to apologise but the aborigine people were thankful for apology.