A Historical Timeline of Indigenous Peoples in British Columbia (Content Adapted from BC Teachers' Federation)
By lsahara
Jan 1, 1490
Aboriginal settlements with increasinglycomplex cultures exist in all areas ofBritish Columbia -
Jan 1, 1492
Portugese Seize
...Portugese Corte Real seizes 50
Aboriginals, perhaps Micmac, from the
Canadian Maritimes and sells them for
slaves in Lisbon, and a French ship brings
seven Aboriginal men...to France as
curiosities...three Aboriginal men, hawks,
and an eagle are taken to England for
display...” (Kehoe: 1981, p. 228) -
Period: Jan 1, 1492 to
Selected times and events important in the history of Aboriginal peoples in British Columbia
The Royal Proclamation
The Royal Proclamation of 1763 is issued
by King George III. The proclamation
recognizes Aboriginal tribes as owning
their lands under British sovereignty in
North America. The Crown must sign
treaties with individual Aboriginal nations
before acquiring lands for European
settlement. (TFN) -
Captain Cook lands on the coast
Captain Cook lands on the coast of BC
and claims the land for Britain. -
George Vancouver
George Vancouver makes contact with
Nisga’a. -
Vancouver Island is established as a British colony
Vancouver Island is established as a British
colony. The crown grants the land to the
Hudson’s Bay Company, which becomes
effectively wedded to the Crown. (TFN) -
The Douglas Treaties
James Douglas makes a series of 14 land
purchases from Aboriginal peoples. The
Douglas Treaties cover approximately 576
square kilometres of land on Vancouver
Island. Aboriginal peoples are paid in
blankets and promised the rights to hunt
on unsettled lands and to carry on fisheries
“as formerly.” A policy is set to allow no
more than 10 acres of reserve land per
Aboriginal family—settlers are allowed
320 acres. -
BC declared colony of Britain
Mainland of BC is declared a colony of
Britain. -
New Westminister, capital of BC
New Westminster becomes the first
capital of BC. -
Smallpox epidemic
Smallpox epidemic ravages Aboriginal
people in BC. Haida lost up to 80% of their kin.
Wet’suwet’en and Gitxsan lose 30%. Smallpox spreads from Bella Coola to Nagwuntl’oo. 1/3 of the
people die.“I myself saw the graves of perhaps 500 Aboriginals. Two white men went and gathered the blankets of the dead which had been thrown away in the bush, and were therefore infested with smallpox, which they sold out again to the Aboriginal people causing a second
visitation of the plague(Morice p.317), -
Tsilhkot’en Bands Declare War
Tsilhkot’en bands declare war on the white invaders for the spread of smallpox (The Chilcotin War). They kill 13 survey
workers and another three packers near Nimpo Lake. Soldiers representing the Colonial government take eight Tsilhkot’en prisoners and bring them to Quesnel BC. As a result, five Tsilhkot’en are executed by hanging (Birchwater) and (Morice, 1978, p. 320). -
British North American Act (BNA) creates
Canada, giving jurisdiction of lands and
resources to the provinces. The federal
government becomes responsible for
Aboriginal people. (TFN) -
BC joins Confederation
British Columbia joins Confederation. (TFN) -
Indian Act Becomes Law
Indian Act becomes law. The act
consolidates all previous Indian
legislation, defines Indian status,
and gives the superintendent general
administrative powers over many aspects
of Indian life. -
Canada Interferes with Fishing
Canadian government interferes with
Aboriginal fishing rights by prohibiting
the use of nets in freshwater and by
making a distinction between food and
commercial fishing. (TFN) -
Indian Act Amendment
An amendment to the Indian Act prohibits
the potlatch and the sundance. The first
conviction under the law comes in 1890,
and it is enforced on a large scale in the
1920s. The law is rescinded in 1951. -
Federal Fisheries Act
The Federal Fisheries Act, prohibits
Aboriginal people from selling fish or
owning fishing licences. Aboriginals who
work for fish companies are paid five
cents per fish; whites are paid ten cents a
fish (Monet et al.). -
Residential School System
Assimilation of Aboriginal people of
Canada continues through the residential
school system. The superintendent of
Aboriginal Affairs makes clear the federal
government’s intent to destroy Aboriginal
language and lifeways. -
Treaty 8
Treaty 8 is signed with the Beaver, Cree,
and Dene Indians located in the Peace
River District of the province. -
-1913 Native Nation Delegations
Delegations from several Native nations
travel to Victoria, Ottawa, and London,
England, regarding land rights. -
Royal Commission Recommendation
The federal and provincial governments
agree that a Royal commission should
re-examine the size of every reserve. -
McKenna-McBride Commission
The McKenna-McBride Commission is
established to address the question of
Indian reserves. Hereditary chiefs insist
on talking about their territories and
reject the idea of reserves. Reserve lands
are downsized, becoming known as “cutoff
lands.” (TFN) -
Allied Tribes of BC
Aboriginal groups of British Columbia form
Allied Tribes of BC to pursue Aboriginal
rights. (TFN) -
McKenna-McBride implemented
McKenna-McBride recommendation is