Motorola plans to layoff 10 percent of its workforce, or about 15,000 workers.
In 1998, Motorola started to lack in demand and a falling price paid for its semiconductor in which accounted for 20% of the company's business. Kenyatta -
United Auto Workers Strike at General Motors
GM production was stalled for for seven weeks due to strikes over working condition concerns and other forces. This impacted gm stocks negatively as product was not being made, resulting in loss of money and percentage drops. -
Wells Fargo agreed to merge with Northwest bank
June 24th: AT&T announced its plan to acquire cable giant TCI.
AT&T merged with TCI to expand their company and get into a $100 billion local telephone market. Also, according to the DOW JONES. Also, AT&T’s stock price increased significantly in its beginning and ending price, and in gains from the previous year.
T: AT&T -
Braziil Dollar Value drops, sends US stocks in freefall.
Brazil decided to float against the dollar, decreasing dollar equal wages and a decrease in us stocks -
MCI WorldCom to buy Sprint.
The MCI WorldCom and Sprint deal had an estimated revenue of $50 billion and the combination of both would bring a stock market value of $200 billion. This deal was known to be the biggest telecommunications company in the world. Kenyatta -
Crude-oil futures hit an almost nine-year high, rising 90 cents to $26.60 a barrel
Dec. 29th: Nasdaq closed above the 4,000 mark for the first time.
NASDAQ closed when they hit this mark because at this time they had record breaking gains in the market. -
Dow jones industral Hit really high
Dow Jones industrials hit the high record which had a booming effect on stocks. Kenyatta -
Nasdaq hits record high of 5,048.62.
China Granted Permanent Trade Status
China granted all Trade advantages with the U.S giving America access to a market that is accessible to 20% of the population. Increasing trading and agriculture. -
california minimum wage raised
California minimum wage increasing resulted in a increase to everyone including the stock market. Kenyatta -
Tosco Refinery Explosion
A Explosion in this Petroleum refinery broth forth numerous lawsuits to the company in addition to a heavy drop in thier stocks in the gas industry. -
PG&E utility unit files for bankruptcy
01’ -Sept.11th:Terrorists attack World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
This tragedy caused the stock market did not open on Tuesday September 11, 2016 and remained closed six days after that. The NYSE and the DOW JONES had a major decrease once they opened up again. -
02’ -July 8th: Intel launches its Itanium 2 chip
This chip increased Intels stock price over a dollar and had over a 20,000 increase shares sold. -
Intel Eliminate 4,000 Jobss
Intel missed their goal in the market, resulting in a cut of 4000 jobs, lowering production of their products and sales negatively affecting their stocks. -
US airways filed Bankruptcy
When U.S. Airways filed for bankruptcy their stocks were worthless and damaged the stock market. Kenyatta -
United Airlines filed for bankruptcy protection.
Saddam Hussein captured by American troops, Dropping reveunue in his stocks. Kenyatta -
03’ -April 9th: Baghdad falls and Iraqis and American troops topple statue of Saddam Hussein.
This caused a slight increase in stock because the U.S. pulled back its funding to the war and such because it was coming to an end. -
The US recession ended in November 2001, according to NBER.
Light Car Sales reaches 19 million
The Sale of light cars reached a record high of over 19 million which is good for the American car producers and their stocks as they rose. -
04’ -Mid August: Hurricane Charley hits Florida
This caused the stock market to drop because it was one the most cosltliest hurricanes in history. -
3 hurricanes hit Florida and Surrounding states
23.3 billion dollars in damages impacted Florida and states around hit when massives hurricanes hit destroying businesses and homes, negatively impacting the stock market. -
Federal funds raised
Federal funds rate raised from 2.00 percent to 2.25 percent.
When federal funds are raised the stock market trembles because the money is not 'cheap Kenyatta -
GDP grew annual rate of 3.1 percent
The value of all goods grew by 3.1 percent resulting in more money and increased prices of stocks. -
State Budget Bill
Budgets put on states for spending allowing for increase in stocks as more money will be spent. -
Heat wave sets records across the United States and caused scattered power outages.
UK Bomb Threats
U.K. foils plot to bomb U.S.-bound airliners. dropping airline market Kenyatta -
Freezing temperatures in california
California got record setting cold temperatures resulting in 3 billion dollars in losses, negatively affecting businesses and production for certain stocks. -
California minimum Wage
California minimum wage increased to $7.50 per hour from $6.75.
California's minimum wage being increased helped the increased the stock market. Kenyatta -
07’ -Aug. 2nd: Mattel says it is recalling 1.5 million Chinese-made toys worldwide marking the latest in a string of recalls that have fueled U.S.-China tensions over the safety of Chinese products.
The company’s stock prices dropped from this. As well as their shares. -
Blasts rip Mexico gas and oil pipelines.
California minimum Wage Raised Again
California minimum wage increased to $7.50 per hour from $6.75.
California's minimum wage being increased helped the increased the stock market. Kenyatta -
Global stock markets plunge
gold 1000 an ounce first time
The price of gold reached $100 an ounce bringing big profit to gold companies. -
08’ -Sept. 23rd Governor Schwarzenegger signs record-late state budget.
He made this decision because the stock market crashed and the states budget at the time crashed as well. -
California adopts low carbon fuel standards
09’ -April. 26: Swine Flu declared public health emergency.
This disease had a major impact on the Mexican stock market. Also, a lot of food stocks dropped significantly because of the pork. -
Chrysler Bankruptcy
Chrysler files for bankruptcy.
When Chrysler filed for bankruptcy their stocks were worthless and damaged the stock market. -
General Motors Files for Bankruptcy
General Motors files for bankruptcy sending their stocks down and good news for short sales. -
OBama bill
BP massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Wall Street reform and consumer protection Act
Brought changes to financial regulations and security of stock buying and selling less problems for market. -
Debt Ceiling Bill
Limit how much federal government can borrow and use for spending resulting in some changes to economies their involved in. -
Wall Street suffers worst selloff in two years.
11’ -Dec.15th: U.S. marks end to Iraq war.
This allowed the stock market to go up because the U.S. could cut of some fuding to the war. -
12’ -Feb. 1st: Facebook filed for an IPO.
This caused a decrese in their company's sheres to fall after becoming public. -
Amazon starts collecting california sales tax
Amazon collects sales tax increasing their profits and stock prices. -
The nation’s foreclosures fall to 5-year low.
Flash Crash of US stock market
US stock market experiences a flash crash causing panic and dsitraught in market. -
13’ -July 2nd: The Obama administration postpones enforcement of a major requirement of the Affordable Care Act giving employers an extra year to provide health insurance.
Obama's affordable health care act allowed insurances stocks to increas e beacause it became afforable to many, which caused a lot of people to buy into some thesde insurance companies. -
Twitter files for an IPO
Porsche, Audi and Bentley announce record sales for 2013
Radioshack Files Bankruptcy
Radio shack files for bankruptcy, causing their stocks to plummit and bear up. -
14’ -Sept. 30: First case of Ebola in the U.S. is confirmed.
This outbreak caused a major drop in food comany and the FDA's stock to decrease. Also, stock in pharmacuticals have been fluctauting. -
Oil services company Baker Hughes plans to lay off 7,000 people due to falling crude oil prices.
Russian Food Ban
Russia Bans certain american foods from entering it. Causing agriculture stocks to drop in the market. -
The California state water board extends mandatory water conservation measures through the end of October.
Federal Funds Rate Raised again
Federal funds rate raised from 2.25 percent to 2.50 percent.
When federal funds are raised the stock market trembles because the money is not cheap -
International oil prices hit a 3-1/2 year high.
CPI posts biggest drop since 1949