Week 4
- The baby is just starting to develop its lungs, stomach and liver - The baby is still continually developing their heart and blood vessels -This is the best time to check if you are pregnant
Week 8
- Baby is half an inch in size
- Eyelids and ears form
- The arms and legs have formed
- The fingers and toes are more visibly formed
Week 12
- The baby is 2 inches
- The baby makes its own movements now
- The mother might be able to now feel the top of her uterus
- There is a chance that you might be able to hear the baby's heartbeat with special instruments
- The gender of the baby is becoming more clear
Week 16
- The baby is now 4.3-4.6 inches
- The mother can now feel the top of her uterus
- The baby now has the ability to blink
- The baby's heart and blood vessels have now completely formed.
- The baby has fingerprints.
Week 20
- The baby is around 6 inches long. -The baby can now suck a thumb, yawn, stretch and make faces. -The mother can now feel her baby move
- An ultrasound is done to check the baby
Week 24
- The baby can sense sounds and will move or increase its pulse in response to these sounds
- The baby's inner ear has fully grown and can sense being upside down
Week 28
- The baby will keep moving around to change its position often
- Most women start to register for birthing classes now
Week 32
- The baby moves around a lot
- Less wrinkles
- The baby will gain up to half his birth weight from now on
Week 36
- Lungs are close to fully developed.
- The head is normally positioned down into the pelvis now
Week 40
- This is the period of which the birth is expected
- Can be anywhere from 38-42 weeks
- The due date is calculated fro the last day of the pregnancy