Period: to
Our life
Important aspects that determine the progress of physical development in infancy and toddlerhood include physical and brain changes; development of reflexes, motor skills, sensations, perceptions, and learning skills; and health issues.
Weigh between 5 1/2 and 10 pounds
Height: between 18 and 22 inches long.
Male babies are generally slightly heavier and longer than female babies. -
Infant's birthweight generally doubles by 6 months and triples by the infant's first birthday.
A baby grows between 10 and 12 inches in length (or height), The baby's proportions change during the first 2 years.
The size of an infant's head decreases in proportion from 1/3 of the entire body at birth, to 1/4 at age 2, to 1/8 by adulthood.
1 month: lift their chins while lying flat on their stomachs.
4 month: grasp rattles, as well as sit with support. -
In early childhood children begin to crawl, walk, and run. They get balance and coordination. Babies start developing skills that they will later on use for drawing, writing, getting things, throwing, waving, and catching. Babies start developing from the top down, because of this, they learn how to put their heads up before they crawl. Jean Piaget did observations of children and concluded the following: ¨Children are not less intelligent than adults, they simply think differently.¨ -
As a child grows, his or her nervous system becomes more mature.
Large muscles develop before small muscles. Muscles in the body's core, legs and arms develop before those in the fingers and hands. Children learn how to perform gross (or large) motor skills such as walking before they learn to perform fine (or small) motor skills such as drawing. -
CHILDHOOD (ages 3-5)
This is usually the age when kids start going to pre-K and kindergarten. At this age a strong emotional bond is created between the child and the person who takes care of them (usually their parents). Children begin their social lives in this time. During childhood children begin to learn and understand things better. -
- Can hop only one foot
- Running is easier
- They can feed themselves
- They can use the bathroom by themselves
- Walk backwards easily
- They can climb up and down stairs interchanging their feet
- Better cordination
- By this age, a child has a dominant hand
One preteen can be in a completely different growth phase than another child who is the exact same age. The disparity in physical development may continue well into adolescence, when growth patterns even out.
Boys in late childhood may notice an enlargement of the testicles and scrotum, possibly as young as age 9.
Boys and girls alike experience rapids growth spurts in late childhood. Girls begin to sprout between the ages of 9 and 14. -
LATE CHILDHOOD (ages 6-12)
At this age children attend school and they develop socially and mentally. This is a stage where children make new friends and gain new skills, this will let them become more independent and increase their individuality. Also, at this stage children start to think logically and get a better understanding of mental operations. -
PUBERTY (ages 13-18)
Puberty begins in adolescence. Adolescence brings many physical, psycological, and behavioural changes. Puberty is the stage when children start preparing for adulthood. This is a time when teenagers have a lot of mixed emotions, they start thinking differently and try to do risky things to impress their friends. Sometimes teenagers can get angry or sad for no reason. In this stage of life people develop the skill to think about abstract concepts. -
-Puberty – it's a crazy time.
-Growth of testicles & scrotal sac 10-13 1/2
-Growth of pubic hair 10-15
-Body Growth 10 1/2 -16 1/2
-Growth of penis 11-14 1/2
-Change in voice About the same time as penis growth
-Facial & Underarm Hair About 2 years after pubic hair appears
-Acne About the same time as underarm hair appears -
In the early stages of puberty, the scrotum grows larger and you might experience some reddening of the skin and notice texture change in the scrotal skin. Pubic hair might start appearing at the base of your penis.
During puberty, some boys do experience slight breast growth, but this is usually temporary and disappears after a while.
Your voice deepens, and while the process is gradual, you might experience your voice breaking at times. This is normal and natural, so don't worry about it. -
Physical and sensory abilities are usually excellent.
Premenstrual syndrome, sexually transmitted diseases, and infertility can be concerns during young adulthood.
While some STDs have become less prevalent, others are on the rise. -
A distinctively adult stage of cognition beyond formal operations, called postformal thought. It is generally applied in social situations and involves intuition and emotion as well as logic.
- You will reach your full height by the time you are in your mid-20s
- Skin becomes thinner and loses elasticity.
- The vision and hearing might start to decline during middle adulthood. -
YOUNG ADULTHOOD (ages 19-35)
Once you become a legal adult you can do things like sign contracts, drink alcohol, and other stuff. At this age people attend universites, get jobs, and get many responsabilities (since most young adults move out of their parents house). During young adulthood is when it is easier to get a sexually transmitted disease. Young adulthood is a time of social relationships, sexual maturity and many responsabilities. Most people have kids at this age. -
- We begin to "gray" as our hair follicles begin to produce hair that is less pigmented.
- Our basal metabolism slows down.
- Our cardiovascular system becomes less efficient over time.-
- Blood pressure tends to rise as blood vessels become less elastic and "harden" with age and as the arteries become occluded by cholesterol and other substances.
- This is the period in which women usually have children,
- Lines and wrinkles that are seen as one of the first signs of aging.
- Men usually gain weight in the abdominal region, while women gain weight in the hips and thighs.
- Some changes during this period that result in the loss of the ability to reproduce, a process called menopause.
- Both genders may experience graying of the hair or the hair may thin.
ADULTHOOD (ages 36-65)
Adulthood is a time in our lifespan in which people obtain physical and intellectual maturity. At this time you normally have already gotten married and had children (or you might do these things in adulthood). Also, your body starts functioning less, and could fail to work. -
- The skin continues to lose elasticity
- Eyesight deteriorates, which causes many seniors to need glasses.
- Reaction time also slows.
The immune system is no longer as capable as it once was in guarding against disease.
- Body systems and organs, such as the heart and lungs, become less efficient.
- Energy is lost
- The ability to conserve energy is gained.
- Small blood vessels break beneath the surface of the skin.
- Older men may still be seen as distinguished.
- Older women are labeled as grandmotherly -
- The senses begin to dull. With age, the lenses of the eye discolor and become rigid, interfering with the perception of color and distance and the ability to read.
- Hearing also diminishes, especially the ability to detect high‐pitched sounds.
OLD AGE (ages 66-80)
This is the last stage of life, usually the end of our life cycle. Old people have limited things they can do and normally they can get diseases, sicknesses, and sindromes, easier than younger adults.
When you reach this age you can get really depressed, have mental disorders, memory loss problems, and have a lot of fear of crime (since old people are usually more victims of crime). When people reach the old age they usually go to a retirement home. At this age your body starts to fail.