
The Spinning Wheel

  • Jan 1, 1000

    The Creation of The Spinning Wheel

    The Creation of The Spinning Wheel
    the spinning wheel was invented in Iran most likely around the eleventh century. Iran found it a very useful tool in the production of fabric and cloth from the fur of animals or hemp.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    The spinning wheel is introuduced to India.

    The spinning wheel is introuduced to India.
    The spinning wheel is used in India after coming from Iran.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Chineese spinning wheels.

    Chineese spinning wheels.
    Automatic water-powered spnning wheels are found in China.
  • The change of material.

    The change of material.
    In the seventeenth century, the clothing being produced was changed from mainly hemp to cotton.
  • The Spinning Wheel Appears in Europe

    The Spinning Wheel Appears in Europe
    In mid thirteenth century, the spinning wheel was becoming of use in europe and the product the tool created was being made faster.
  • An improved spinning wheel.

    An improved spinning wheel.
    In 1764, a British carpenter and weaver named James Hargreaves created an improved spinning wheel.
  • People are useing a spindle to thread cloth items.

    People are useing a spindle to thread cloth items.
    Before the spinning wheel, people used a item no bigger than a childs top to weave together things as big as ship sails.