The Spanish American War

  • Cuba's First War for Independence

    After the Ten Years War, Spain still had a hold on Cuba, causing Cuba to flair up once again in rebellion.
  • Weyler is Sent to Cuba by Spain

    Weyler is Sent to Cuba by Spain
    The infamous Valeriano Weyler, known as "The Butcher", was sent to Cuba from Spain in order to pacify the revolting Cubans through cold-blooded murder.
  • The Yellow Press Begins to Shape the American Opinion on the War in Cuba

    The Yellow Press Begins to Shape the American Opinion on the War in Cuba
    Printing companies become invested in the theatrical portrayal of Cuba's fight for independence. Their writing caused President McKinley to waver on his ideas on the war.
  • Publication of the De Lome Letter

    The De Lome Letter was sent to the U.S.A. from Spain insulting the president and the entire country. This fired up the press, causing them to rage at McKinley to start a war with Spain.
  • The Maine Explodes

    The Maine Explodes
    A navy ship was stationed in Havana, Cuba in order to secure America's investments in Cuba during the revolution. No one knows what caused the explosion to occur, but this raised American's anger at Spain (it was later discovered that an underwater mine had caused the explosion)
  • U.S. Declares War on Spain

    After much careful preperation and thinking, President McKinley listened to his country and declared war on Spain.
  • U.S. Attack on Manila Bay

    Spanish navy ships surrendered to the U.S. fleet after a short but powerful attack.
  • Spain Surrenders the Phillipines

    After the Invasion of Manila Bay, Spain releases the Philipines from their tyrannical grasp
  • Naval Blockade of Cuba

    Spanish boats blocked off the port into Cuba to further their attempt to nullify the Cuban's fight for independence.
  • Jose Marti Leads Cuba's Second War for Independence

    Jose Marti Leads Cuba's Second War for Independence
  • U.S. Troops Land in Cuba

    Cowboys, Rough Riders, African Americans, and other groups of men landed in Cuba to take back the land for the Cubans and America's investments from the Spanish.
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    Battle of San Juan Hill
    American troops stormed a Spanish fort on San Juan Hill, overwhelming the Spanish soldiers and winning their first battle of the Spanish-American War
  • Destruction of the Spanish Fleet in Cuba

    After a very short war, the U.S. manages to send the Spanish away from Cuba
  • Armistice is Signed between U.S. and Spain

  • Treaty of Paris

    This treaty officially ended the Spanish-American War
  • U.S. Attempt to Purchase Cuba