
The Space Race Timeline

  • First satellite

    First satellite
    The space race begins. The Soviet union launched the first
    satellite Sputnik I.
  • Second satellite

    Second satellite
    Sputnik II launches. Inside the spacecraft was a dog named Laika.
  • US Explorer 1

    US Explorer 1
    The US launches Explorer 1. The first American satellite to reach orbit
  • NASA was created

    NASA was created
    The US creates a space program called NASA.
  • First person to enter space

    First person to enter space
    Yuri Gagarin was the first person to enter space. He was from Russia and went to space in the Vostok I. He was only in space 2 hours.
  • First American in space

    First American in space
    Alan B. Shepard was the first American to enter space. He was only in space for 15 minutes.
  • First orbit around Earth

    First orbit around Earth
    NASA launches Friendship 7. John Glenn was the first person to orbit earth.
  • US wins Space Race

    US wins Space Race
    US wins the race to the moon beating the USSR. "Buzz" Aldrin and Neil Armstrong are the first people to walk on the moon.