sputnik 1
Sputnic was the first satilite in space. This was important because it started the space war and gave the Souviets the lead. -
sputnik two
Sputnic 2 took the first dog to space. This is inportant because this gave Soviet a bigger lead over the US. -
NASA is created
NASA was ceated by the US for us to catch up to the Soviets in the space race. -
First communication satelite
This communication of the satelite lasted 12 days. This let the Americans get back in the game -
First animal returns safely from space
The first animal returned from space alive on this day. This gave the soviets a big lead. -
The first man in space
The Soviets got even a bigger lead by having the first man in space. His name was Yur Gagarin -
First women in space
The first women in space happened on this day. The Soviets are dominating the US. Her name was Valentina Tereshkova. -
Longes solo crew flight
Now the Soviets are just blowing out the Americans. This persons name is Valery Bykovski -
First geosynchronous satelite
This accomplishment was huge for the ameicans to get them back in the game vs the soviets. They still needed a miracle comeback -
First man on the moon
The US completed the comback victory against the Soviets in the space race. Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. That ended the space race. USA won!!!!!!!! Now the US and the Soviet Union work together on space accomplishments