Sputnik 1
Sputnik 1 is launched into space. It's the first satelite to be place in space, and is sent in by Russia. This event kicks the space race off. This is important because the world has never done anything like this before This beach-ball sized satellite orbited the earth. This placed the russians ahead of the USA in the spacerace, however Sputnik-1 was falling from orbit on the fourth of January, 1958. It burnt up as it rejoined the Earth's atmosphere .history.nasa.gov/sputnik/ -
In an attempt to keep up with Russia in the space race, NASA is formed by the US government. It is the government agency that specializes in space exploration. This is important because this allows us to explore & research space; (history.nasa.gov/factsheet.htm) -
Luna 3
The satelite, Luna 3, orbits the moon. It took many photos, so we were able to see all of the moon. This mission is important, because it was the 3rd spacecraft to be launched to the moon. It returned low quality pictures, however we could see that it was indeed the moon. (Russia)
(http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=1959-008A) -
Vostok I
Yuri Gagarin is the first man in space, he orbited the earth once. (Sent by Russia). This mission is important because this shows that humans can survive with the right equipment in space. This furthers our understanding of space exploration. This prompts us to go into space again eventually. http://www.astronautix.com/flights/vostok1.htm
(http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/astrospies/time-nf.html) -
Mercury-Atlas 6
John Glenn was the first American to orbit the moon, and he did it 3 times. This is important because this mission proves that the USA is catching up int he spacerace. This will prompt us again to go into space on more missions, now that we have the equipment to do so.
(http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/astrospies/time-nf.html) -
Russia sent a man, Alexys Leonovis, to space. He is the first man to do a space walk. He was walking space for 12 minutes. This is important because it shows that if we go into space, we can survive. (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/astrospies/time-nf.html) -
Vostok 6
Valentina Tereshkova, is the first woman to go into space. (From Russia). This is important - as it's another leap ahead by Russia.
(http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/astrospies/time-nf.html) -
Venera 4
It transfered data about Venus, therefor being rather important in the space race, since it allowed us to learn more about Venus.
(thespacerace.com) (Russia) -
Apollo 11
The first men walk on the moon, placing an American flag upon it. Since then, the flag has turned completely white from radiation from the sun.
This mission is important, because we learned about the moon. We now are able to study it more thoroughly. (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/astrospies/time-nf.html) -
Apollo 12
Apollo 12, is the first aircraft to preform a precision moon landing. This mission is important, as it allows us to collect data. This technoglogy will allow us to further the USA's (and russia's) understanding of space.
(http://www.thespacerace.com/timeline/) (USA)