First ICBM
ICBM is how Spunick was launched. This is important because without this ,Spunick wouldn't have ever been launched. -
First Spuntnick
The Soviet Union had launched the satilite Spuntnick . This officially started the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union. This is important because Spuntnick was the first satilite to orbit the Earth and come back. -
Spuntnik 2
Spuntnick 2 had one passenger and that was Laika the Space Dog. However on the voyage Spuntnick 2 caught on fire and Laika the Dog had died from the heat .This is important because She was the first living thing to travel in space . -
Project Vangaurd
Project Vanguard had failed to launch. It was shown in front of a live brodcast television audience.This event is important because even though it failed to launch it still good of have been history because it it was another step into the Space Race. -
Explorer 1
Exploere 1 was the US first satilite. The satilite was launched from Cap cave Canaveral in Flordia at 10;48pm .It was twice the size of a basketball. It was important because this was the first American shuttle in space. -
Nasa Was Born
Nasa was directly relaed to the pressures of national defense. Nasa was created for the Space Race between America Ans The Soviet Union. This is important because If this was never created we couldn't of accomplished what we did in the Space Race. -
Pioneer 5
This was hte first solar probe.And this important because this gave the Soviet Union a step head of America. -
Spunick 5
This was Spunick 5 and it was the first spaceship that had animals and plants come back alive from space. This is important because this lead another step for America . -
First Man in space
This was the rocket with the first man in space . This was important because this had another lead with the U.S. -
Soviet Union And U.S.
This is the time when the Soviet Union and the United States came together to work on other space accomplishments. This is important because this ended the Space Race. -
First Animal in Space For US
This was the first animal in space for the United States. This is important because this lead the US another step head of the Societ Union.