First V2 rocket launched
This was the first piece of man made technology to ever enter space, which is marked at 100 kilometers above sea level. -
Sputnik 1 launched
First satellite sent into space officially marking the beginning of the space race. Gave Russia the capability to launch missiles at the U.S.. -
Sputnik 2 launched
Sputnik 2 carried the first living thing into space, a dog named Laika. However there was no plan for it to make it back to earth so it died in space. -
Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space.
The first man in space was not the biggest thing that happened during this flight. He also was the first man to orbit the earth. -
Gherman Titov became the second man in space.
On this flight, Titov made 17 orbits in a 25 hour time frame and also slept for 8 hours. -
JFK says at Rice College that he would put a man on the moon by the end of the decade.
Apollo 1 disaster.
Apollo 1 had 4 problems that eventually led to a fire in the capsule killing all three crew members. -
Apollo 11 mission
Apollo 11 was the mission that put the first humans on the moon and returned them to earth safely. Also is the point in the space race that makes many say that America won the space race. -
Apollo-Soyuz Test Project
This marked the end of the space race. It was a joint mission between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. in which a U.S. Spacecraft joined with a U.S.S.R. spacecraft and the crews exchanged gifts. It was also the first multinational mission in space.