the soller boiler time line history

By liron
  • the first solar boiler (but not ours)

    The first solar heating device was a solar heater, which seems to have been first developed by a Swiss botanist
  • the first real solar boilers

    The solar boilers were used in Israel in the mid-1950s.
  • the solar boiler grows

    As early as 1957, the newspaper reported that the use of solar boilers grew in Israel
  • solar boiler is a success

    In the early sixties, the status of solar heater was established as a symbol of economic success on the roof of every house
    ***but The government did not encourage the use of solar boilers.
  • the boiler turns expensive

    A 1973 study found that the use of solar water heaters is more expensive than using an electric boiler
  • the energy crisis

    Following the energy crisis of the 1970s, the law established in 1976 the obligation to install solar water heaters for every apartment being built in Israel.
  • the boilers are saving electricity

    According to the data of the Knesset Research and Information Center in 2012, solar water heaters were in 85% of the households, and these resulted in savings of about 8% in electricity consumption!
  • today!!!

    Today… This method of heating is very common in households in the State of Israel and some other countrys in the world