The Slavery Unit Timeline

By mb19609
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisana Purchase was about a territory of the western United States that was going from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains between the Gulf of Mexico and the Canadian Border. The United States purchased the Big piece of land for 15 million dollars. The Louisana Purchase was a Political event because it had to do with The Undited Sates and A foriegn place such as France argueing over a piece of land that was already in the U.S.
  • Misssiouri Compromise

    Misssiouri Compromise
    The Missiouri Compromise was about an agreement in 1820 between people who believed in slavery and other people who did not beileve in slavery. There was also the concern of slavery expanding of slavery into other states. This event is a political event because it has to do with slavery being expanded and that was/is a major issue back then because there was a great amount of slavery going on in many different territories and at the time being it was a important event between territories/states.
  • Nat Truner's Rebelion

    Nat Truner's Rebelion
    Nat Truner's Rebilion took place in Southhampton Count, Virgina and it was about how rebel slaves fought and killed 55 to 56 white people it was the highest number of fatalities in the American South. This is a political event because it has to with with slaves fighiting back and killing a large number of people and that can really bring notice from a politics standard when a bunch of people fight and people start to get killed.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    The Nullifcation Crrisis was a law that stated that the traiff's of 1832-1833 were unconstitutional with the sovereign boundaries of South Carolina. This is a political event because it talks about how this certain tarrif was unconstitutional and the too words tariff and unconstitutional are constantly used in politics so therefore this can be seen as a politicial event.
  • Cherokee Indian Removal

    Cherokee Indian Removal
    The Cherokeee Indian Removal was an event that had too do with U.S forces removing indian tribes from there original land.
    This a Political event because it talks about U.S. forces removing Indian tribes from there land and from that you can see it could have been a issued political act to remove the indian tribes from there land.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    The Mexican American War had to with a armed conflict between Mexico and the U.S. that was over a strip of land in texas that mexico considered was there's and this event is a political event because it has to do with both different places such as the U.S. and Mexico fighting which can bring in a political view of was there a declared war and if they decided through politics to respind back to Mexico trying to take a piece of land from the U.S. .