Silver age of comics

The silver age of comics

  • examples of imagery from the period

    examples of imagery from the period
  • Period: to

    New characters

    New characters such as the hulk and Spiderman are introduced into the comic book world along with many other now famous characters
  • Comics code authority founded

    Comics code authority is established as the first regulatory body for comic books
  • DC aquires quality characters

    DC aquires quality characters
    DC takes over quality comics and their characters
  • Quality comics come to an end

    Quality comics stops publishing books
  • The start of the silver age

    The start of the silver age
  • Period: to

    Underground comics begin publication

  • Action comics becomes Marvel comics

    Action comics becomes Marvel comics
  • Marvel era begins and M over C symbol become synonomous with marvel

    Marvel era begins and M over C symbol become synonomous with marvel
  • Comic book code revamped and revised

    Comic book code revamped and revised
    Imposed new strict regulations on what comics could and could not say and imposed stricter guidelines on topics