The Ship

  • The Crash

    The Crash
    The plane was taking heavy Fire as the private school boys scream on the way down.
  • Jack and The Pig

    Jack and The Pig
    Jack was down like a sprinter ,nose a few inches from the earth he took off running down the beach area training to catch a pig.
  • The Ship

    The Ship
    Smoke! Smoke! The boys stood up getting out of the water looking all over for the smoke were then they turned to Ralph Was the ship.
  • The Meet

    The Meet
    Ralp'' This meeting must not be fun, but business.''
  • The beast

    The beast
    The twins are on fire watch and the beast appeals.
  • The moutain

    The moutain
    Jack Ralph and Simon climb the moutain to find the beast.
  • Simon meets a pig

    Simon meets a pig
    The Pig on a stick begins talking to simon