Feast Day
They are all Blessed and there celebrated feats day is on November 17. -
In 1936 a religious persecution in the Spanish Civil War was taking place and the 5 sisters were found by a anti religious man. -
That night they were all killed but the youngest lived, then five days later persecuted. -
Names of the Sisters
Their names are Blessed Sister Maria Gabriela de Hinolosa Naveros, Blessed Sister Josefa Maria
Darrera Izaguirre, Blessed Sister
Teresa Maria Cavestany y Anduaga, Blessed Sister Maria Angela Olaizola Garagarza, Blessed
Sister Maria Engracla Lecuona Ararnburu, Blessed Sister Maria Ines Zudaire Galdeano and
Blessed Sister Maria Cecilia Cendoya Araquista.