The Second World War

  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    After the German invasion of Poland, the United Kingdom and France declared war against Reich.
  • German offensive to the east

    German offensive to the east
    The German Offensive to the east was a battle of France in the Second World War that began after the attack of the Wehrmacht and ended with the capitulation of the French government.
  • Invasion of the USSR

    Invasion of the USSR
    The invasion of USSR was the Barbarossa operation to the plan of invasion of the Soviet Union by the Axis Forces during the Second World War.
  • Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor was a military offensive carried out by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States Naval Base at Perl Harbor.
  • American victory at Midway

    American victory at Midway
    The Battle of Midway was a confrontation between the forces of the United States and Japan during the Second World War that won the East.
  • Allied langings in North Africa

    Allied langings in North Africa
    The allied landings in North Africa was the Torch operation along with the advance towards Tunisia of the Anglo-American troops in World War II.
  • Italy surrenders

    Italy surrenders
    Italy was an armistice during the Second World War, between Italy and the Allied armed forces, which had been occupying the extreme south of the country, which led to the Italian capitulation.
  • Allied landings in Normandy

    Allied landings in Normandy
    The Battle of Normandy was the military operation carried out by the allies during the World War that culminated in the liberation of the territories.
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    Germany surrenders to the United States and the Union ending the Second World War in Europe.
  • Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuclear wars ordered by Harry S. Truman, president of the United States, against the Empire of Japan.