Iwo jima1

The Second War to End All Wars

  • The German Worker's Party

    The German Worker's Party
    Created by Anton Drexler, the German Worker's Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, DAP), this organization fought against Bolshevism and was Anti-Semitic.
  • Period: to

    The War from Beginning to End

  • Hitler becomes involved in DAP

    Hitler becomes involved in DAP
    A young Adolf Hitler was chosen to investigate the party's activities by Captin Mayr, a prominent figure of the Barvarian military. When Hitler became interested in the discussion that was happening, he began to make a speech and was noted by officials of the party to "have a gift of gab," and was asked to join soon afterward.
  • "Nazi" is coined after adding "National Socialist" to its title.

    "Nazi" is coined after adding "National Socialist" to its title.
  • Hitler becomes chairman of Nazi Party, sics Brownshirts on "unloyal" other parties.

    Hitler becomes chairman of Nazi Party, sics Brownshirts on "unloyal" other parties.
  • Benito Mussolini becomes Prime Minister of Italy

    Benito Mussolini becomes Prime Minister of Italy
  • Nazi Party fails to otherthrow governent, Hitler arrested.

    Nazi Party fails to otherthrow governent, Hitler arrested.
  • Mussolini creates a Fascist youth program like that of Hitler's.

    Mussolini creates a Fascist youth program like that of Hitler's.
  • Shanghai massacre of 1927, Communists are fought against by Chiang-Kai-Shek

    Shanghai massacre of 1927, Communists are fought against by Chiang-Kai-Shek
  • German President Hindenburg appoints Hitler Chancellor of Germany

    German President Hindenburg appoints Hitler Chancellor of Germany
  • Hitler builds up army, violates Versailles Treaty

    Hitler builds up army, violates Versailles Treaty
  • Emporer Tojo invades Manchuria

    Emporer Tojo invades Manchuria
  • Hitler presents actual legislation against Jews

    Hitler presents actual legislation against Jews
  • Hitler reoccupies Rhineland

    Hitler reoccupies Rhineland
  • German-Chinese embargoes set up

    German-Chinese embargoes set up
  • SS begins Holocaust

    SS begins Holocaust
  • WAR! Germany invades Poland

    WAR! Germany invades Poland
  • U.S. enters WW2 by being attacked by Japanese at Pearl Harbor

    U.S. enters WW2 by being attacked by Japanese at Pearl Harbor
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
  • Allies lnvade Fortress Europe through Normandy

    Allies lnvade Fortress Europe through Normandy
  • Mussolini is executed

    Mussolini is executed
  • VE Day, Nazis fall in Europe

    VE Day, Nazis fall in Europe
  • VJ Day, Japan surrenders after uses of the atom bombs.

    VJ Day, Japan surrenders after uses of the atom bombs.