Pope John XXIII Birth
His parents names were Giovanni Battista Roncallli and Marianna Giulia Mazzola. He was born in Sotto il Monte, Bergamo in Lombardy Italy. -
Johns Priest Training
John began his training as a priest at the Bergamo seminary. It was here that he was taught how to make spiritual notes -
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Johns Bishop Life
From 1901 to 1905, he was enrolled as a student at the Pontifical Roman Seminary. On the 10th of August 1904 he was ordained as a priest at Santa Maria in Montesanto in Rome’s Piazza del Popolo. One year later, in 1905, he was made secretary to the new Bishop of Bergamo. -
Medical Work
When Italy fought in World War I he was enlisted as a sergeant in the medical corps -
Apostolic Visitator
Pius XI appointed him Apostolic Visitator in Bulgaria in 1925, which made him episcopate with the titular Diocese of Areopolis. He made his motto Oboedientia et Pax, which means Obedience and Peace, which guided him through the rest of his life. -
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Pope John expressed the hope, in laying down the purpose of the council, that Vatican II would bless the church with greater spiritual riches and new energies so the church might "look to the future without fear." His concern was for all humanity and that he desired a new step toward Christian unity as a means of bringing more unity in the world. -
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Start of the second vatican council
Pope John XXIII called the Council very soon after he was elected. He saw that the Church needed to make the message of faith more relevant to people in the twentieth century. He called for an Aggiornamento, a freshening of thinking and practices that would better enable the Church to do God's work and serve the whole people of God on earth. The pope also hoped the Council would pave the way for Christian unity. -
Why he hoped to achieve it
Pope John Paul XXIII wanted to see the church more spiritually vibrant. He prayed for a new pentecost and more missionary. He wanted to gather all bishops and lead them into a direction which would benefit the whole world.