Dec 24, 1144
Capture of Edessa
Edessa a crusader state was captured by the leader of Mosul. This then triggered the second crusade. The crusade was the stratigised and everyone and anyone could join in. -
Period: Dec 24, 1144 to Dec 3, 1150
The second Crusade
Dec 1, 1145
Pope proclaims start of crusade
Pope eugene proclaims the start of the second crusade.This crusade was launched in attack to take the territory of the muslims that they took from the christians. http://www.cristoraul.com/ENGLISH/MedievalHistory/CRUSADES/18-Second-Crusade.html -
Mar 13, 1146
The attack begins
Nobles meet in Frankfurt to plan out the crusade and recive verbal permision from Bernard to attack to the east. He gives them the permision and they then this time attack. -
Mar 31, 1146
St. Bernard gives a speech to gain people to go on the crusade. After this speech many people join and the attack begins. -
May 1, 1146
The crossing
Germans go into the second crusade led by Fredrick Barbossa. His army would be almost compleatly deystroyed after he crossed The Plains of Anatolia. These plains were varry harsh and many people dided from the conditionns. -
Jun 1, 1146
France joins in
France announces they will join the second crusade. France has one of the strongest armies in europe so that was huge. But later in the battle the size of the army proved to be to much for the crusaders. -
Jun 4, 1147
Traveling through Hungery
German Crusaders travel through Hungery on their way of the holy land. On the way there they raid many towns causing destress
http://www.thefinertimes.com/Middle-Eastern-Wars/the-second-crusades.html -
Feb 4, 1148
The return
Aftter the Crusaders retured from the second battle of Dorylaeyum the following year they were killed by the Turks. Many people were angered. -
May 25, 1148
Crusaders set out to capture Damascus. After they capture Damascus they set sail and go to take over Jerusalem. So in other words they were trying to take over the holy land witch is what everyone was trying to do. http://europeancrusaders.wikispaces.com/2-Timeline+of+the+Second+Crusader+Initiative -
Jul 7, 1148
Cant trust anyone
The crusade began to fall. Every christian began not to trust one another. Every act you did was a sly and you couldnt get cought because if you were you were killed because everyone was so paranoid. -
Jul 15, 1149
The Ending
The church of holy Sepulcher was formed. This then helped slow down the fighting and eventually ended the crusade. The christians began to betray and hate on eachother so no one was trusted. -
Jan 4, 1150
What happened
The second crusade failed. The crusaded failed due to the crusaders not being able to take out the Turks. The Turks were to strond smart and powerful for everyday people.