2 Girls and a Little Conflict
Victoria Price and Ruby Bates, from Huntsville, Alabama, get on a train to Chattanooga. There were two groups of people in the train with them. One was a group of white guys, and the other a group of blacks. Source: http://www.scottsboro-boys.org/history.html -
The groups of people begin to fight, and the white boys were thrown off. Once the train had stopped, the 9 young black boys (ages 13-20) were accused of assult and raping the two girls, Ruby Bates and Victoria Price. The boys were then arrested in Scottsboro. Sources:
http://afroamhistory.about.com/od/timelines/a/Timeline-Of-Scottsboro-Boys.htm -
The Grand Jury
The grand jury, made up of all white men, were called into a session about the 9 Scottsboro boys. The room was also filled with all white men as the audience. The boys were represented by Milo Moody and Stephen Roddy.Stephen Roddy also represents the two white girls who accused the boys. Sources:
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Clarence and Charlie
Victoria Price complains that 6 of the boys raped her and 6 of them with Ruby. Clarence Norris, age 19, and Charlie Weems, age 20 were both found guilty and were called for a death penalty. The two girls and a white boy who was on the train were called as witnesses. There was no evidence of rape by these boys on the girls. Sources:
http://trial-of-the-scottsboro-boys.wikispaces.com/Timelines -
The First Guilty
Haywood Patterson, age 18 was sentenced to death by electrocution three hours after they found him guilty. Sources:
http://www.scottsboromusicallondon.com/history/ -
Andy Wright (18), Olen Montgomery (17), Willie Roberson (17), Ozie Powell (16), and Eugene WIlliams (13), were all sentenced to death by electrocution. Roy Wright (12 at the time) was not sentenced to death. Instead, he was faced with life imprisonment.
Willie Roberson was revealed with having a bad case of syphilis and gonorrhea which meant that he couldn't have possibly raped the girls. Source:
http://www.scottsboromusicallondon.com/history/ -
The Pending Execution
The eight executions are pending with the Alabama Supreme Court. Source:
http://www.yorku.ca/rweisman/courses/sosc3992/pdf/Scottsboro-chronologyfromfamoustrialswebsite.pdf -
Ruby Bates
Ruby Bates admitted she was not raped in a letter to her boyfriend. Source:
http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/FTrials/scottsboro/bates-streetman.html -
A New Trial For Eugene
Convictions of 7 of the 8 boys were still upheld by the Alabama Supreme Court. Eugene Williams was given a new trial and freed from being sentenced to his death by the electric chair because he was a juvenile. Sources:
http://www.yorku.ca/rweisman/courses/sosc3992/pdf/Scottsboro-chronologyfromfamoustrialswebsite.pdf -
A New Defender
Ruby Bates became a witness for defense which was suprising. She denied that any rape occured and that she was with Victoria Price the whole time on the trains and she was with her boyfriend the night before. Sources:
http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/scottsboro/SB_BBates.html -
In Washington, a march with thousands of people were protesting against the Alabama trials, saying it was a wrong thing. This was one of many protests going on. Source:
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Juvenile Court
The judge, James E. Horton, ordered Eugene Williams and Roy Wright who were both under the age of 16 to Juvenile Court.
On June 22, Haywood Patterson was granted a new trial by Judge James E. Horton because the conviction was lacking evidence and it couldn't be justified. Source:
http://www.english.illinois.edu/maps/poets/a_f/boyle/chronology.htm -
The International Labor Defence (I.L.D.) aressted two lawyers who were with the I.L.D. using bribery to make Victoria Price change her statement about the boys. The two lawyers bribed her with $1,500. Source:
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Norris vs. Alabama
Excluding the blacks on the jury rolls took away the 14th amendment law, which states that all men are created equally. The black defendants weren't given the right to protect who they were defending, making the case remain in a lower court. Source:
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ2ERf-8PY13D2WKkXpJXM70A9lOpnZAfyrKDO3t4VbjciHm3HSIg -
The End
Andy Wright is convicted and sentenced to 99 years.
On July 22, Charlie Weems was also convicted, but sentenced to 75 years. July 23, Ozie Powell is sentenced to 20 years for attacking the deputy, but rape charges were dropped.
July 24 is when rape charges against Olen Montgomery, Willie Roberson, Roy Wright, and Eugene Williams were dropped. Sources: