Joseph stalin ab

The Russian Revolutions

By james__
  • Russia Industrializes

    Russia Industrializes
    These new factories cause a great humanitarian crisis of workers rights. This brought Marxist revolutionaries, one group of these revolutionaries under Lenin was the Bolsheviks. Lenin gained command of the Bolsheviks then fled west until he could change the nation forever.
  • Assassination of Alexander II

     Assassination of Alexander II
    Many plots and eager revolutionaries were everywhere plotting widespread revolution.Revolutionaries killed Alexander II over the slow pace of political change. Russia was heading toward a full revolution.
  • Bloody Sunday: The Revolution of 1905

    Bloody Sunday: The Revolution of 1905
    Nicholas II general’s ordered men to fire into a crowd of 200,000. 1,000 casualties then Nicholas promised more freedom. Nicholas II then dissolved the duma or parliament, causing more unrest and violence in all of Russia.
  • World War I: The Final Blow

    World War I: The Final Blow
    4 million men died in under a year. Soldiers mutinied, deserted, or ignored orders and had low food; their were higher prices at home because of the war. The war revealed the weakness in the czar’s government and control.
  • The Czar Steps Down

    The Czar Steps Down
    Nicholas II steps down, no powerful government replaced the czar. As war dragged on and the government stayed in the war, many people were provoked and grew radical. As a result soviets or local councils were formed; soviets gain more control than the provisional government.
  • Lenin Returns to Russia

     Lenin Returns to Russia
    The Germans send Lenin back to Russia to stir unrest. Lenin has widespread supporters. Lenin the leader of the Bolsheviks returns to lead the revolt against the government.
  • The Provisional Government Topples

    The Provisional Government Topples
    Lenin used his ties immediately to gain support everywhere. Bolshevik Red Guards took over government offices and arrested the leaders of the provisional government. The Bolsheviks and Lenin takeover of the Russian government.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk gave Germany and it allies a lot of land. The Treaty also caused Russian humiliation and anger at the government. People hate the Bolsheviks and seek another revolution to create another czar.
  • Civil War Rages in Russia

    Civil War Rages in Russia
    With new rivals the Bolsheviks fight another war; this time war against the people who support a czar and even other socialists. Many western nations and the U.S try to help but failed. The End result is that the Bolsheviks show their true power and remain in power.
  • Lenin Restores Order

    Lenin Restores Order
    With war’s destruction all around him Lenin worked for slow recovery. Lenin allowed some capitalism to allow the peasants to sell their crops to others and not just the government. All of Lenin’s work allows the Russian economy to produce as much as before the war by 1928.