Russian revolution

The Russian Revolution

By lutzzac
  • The Decembrist Revolt

    The Decembrist Revolt
    This uprising by the people of Russia occured on the 26th of December, 1926, at the Senate Square in St. Petersburg. On that morning, 3000 people lined up outside Senate Square, and were refusing to swear allegiance to the new Czar, Nicholas I.
  • Czar Alexander II Emancipates The Serfs

    Czar Alexander II Emancipates The Serfs
    Alexander II emancipated the Serfs on March 3, 1861. Throughout his "speech", he accompanied seventeen legislative acts that helped free the Serfs. He allowed them more land, more peace, and to allow them to have more of their farmed goods and receive food items, instead of the government taking them away.
  • Nicholas II becomes Czar of Russia

    Nicholas II becomes Czar of Russia
    On this day, Nicholas II stepped up onto the throne, and was sworn in as the new Czar of Russia. Many people in Russia worshipped him because of his apparent "good deeds towards the country".
  • The Social-Democratic Party Splits

    The Social-Democratic Party Splits
    The Social-Democratic party decides to split into two separate groups. There is the Majority, or high class groups (Bolshevik), and the lower class group (Menshevik).
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    The Russo-Japanese War

    This War was considered "the first great war of the 20th century". The Japanese declared war on Russia on February 8 of 1904. However, about three hours before Russia would set out to attack, Japan's Imperial Navy attacked the Russian Fleet at Port Arthur. On September 5, 1905, the war ended with Japan and Russia signing a peace treaty.
  • "Bloody Sunday"

    "Bloody Sunday"
    This event was one of the biggest catastrophes in Russian history. On the day of January 22, more than 3000 recently unemployed workers lined up and marched, protesting against unemployment. Of course, the Army that was holding them back were getting too uncomfortable. The Russian squad then open fired on the protesters, killing many mothers, fathers, even some children walking with their parents.
  • The Russian Revolution of 1905

    The Russian Revolution of 1905
    This date also marked the start of what was called "The Russian Revolution of 1905".
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    World War I (Russian Involvement)

    On August 1, 1914, Germany declared war on Russia, which resulted in Russia officialy entering World War 1. Russia entered WW1 with one of the biggest armies in the world. Their long-standing war feud came to an end on March 3, 1918, when they signed a Peace Treaty, and officially left the war.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    In this chaos of what was called "The March Revolution", members of the Imperial parliament or also known as "Duma", seize or control the country, and form the Russian Imperial Government. Many riots and strikes broke out in many areas of Russia. People were open fired on and killed by armed forces, and hunger strikes were seen throughout towns; many people protesting against the shortage of food, peace and land.
  • Czar Nicholas II Abdicates His Throne

    Czar Nicholas II Abdicates His Throne
    On this day, March 15, 1917, current Czar Nicholas II is forced to abdicate the throne after massive strikes and revolts break out in many parts of Russia.
  • Alexander Kerensky becomes Leader of the Provisional Government

    Alexander Kerensky becomes Leader of the Provisional Government
    During the Revolution in Russia, when the Government had changed a couple months before, Alexander Kerensky was sworn in as the Leader of the Provisional Government. The Provisional Government in Russia was a provisional government of the Russia Republic immediately following the abdication of the most recent Czar, Nicholas II.
  • Vladimir Lenin and Bolsheviks Capture Winter Palace

    Vladimir Lenin and Bolsheviks Capture Winter Palace
    On this day, October 26, 1917, the Bolsheviks, along with their leader, Vladimir Lenin, captured the Winter Palace at 2:00 am. This "battle" of sorts lead through the day of October 25, and lead into the early morning of the 26th, when they finally captured it.
  • The Russian Civil War

    The Russian Civil War
    The war broke out on November 7, 1917 in Russia. This war was started for many reasons. The first reasons was the Bolsheviks had many enemies such as the Social Revolutionaries and supporters of the Provisional Government. Another reason was their enemies (listed above) were trying to bring down the Bolshevik Government, and make them become "extinct".
  • Nicholas II and his Family are Executed

    Nicholas II and his Family are Executed
    On this day, about 4 months after Nicholas II abdicates the throne, his wife, children and him are executed. They would be executed in the basement of the Ipatiev house. All four daughters wife, Czar, maids and even the heir, who was only a small child, were shot and killed.
  • Vladimir Lenin Dies

    Vladimir Lenin Dies
    Vladimir Lenin dies on this day because of a series of unexpected strokes. When he was buried, thousands of people would line up outside his tomb, sometimes in -40 degree weather, and pay their final respects toward him. Also, in honor of Lenin, they renamed the country Petrograd to what is now Leningrad.
  • Jospeh Stalin Becomes Leader of Russia

    Jospeh Stalin Becomes Leader of Russia
    Following the death of Vladimir Lenin, Stalin was asked to organize the funeral. Lenin and himself were friends, and agreed on many propositions they threw at eachother. A few short days after Lenin's death, Stalin was sworn in as the new Leader of Russia.