The Decembrist Revolt
the decembrists were people of the upper classes. They had on decembrist lead the rest to an unsuccesful uprising -
Czar Alexander the 2 Empicates the serfs
the law that tied serfs to their owners was gone. Alexander the second ablosihed the law -
Nicholas 2nd becomes the Czar
Nicholas inherted the throne from his father when he died -
The Social- Democratic Party Spilts into Two
The two groups were always at each others necks. They were always argueing and fighting so they spilt the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. -
The Russo Japanese War
a miltary event with japan leads to fighting -
Bloody Sunday
a group of workers marched up to the winter palace to make demands. Forces opened fired on the ciztens -
Start Of The Russian Revolution
the revolution was sparked by a peaceful protest -
World War 1 Russian Invovlment
Russia invades East Prussia. Russia is allies with France, Britan, and Serbia -
March Revolution
any requested a wage increase to be able to pay for food. Russia was in the war and was running low on food and ammuntion. -
Czar Nicholas 2 abdicates the throne
During the Febuary Revolution Nicholas is forced to give up the throne by the insurgents. A provincel government was put in the place of the czar -
Alexander Kerensky becomes the leader of the provisional government
after the abbidication of Nicholas the second Kerensky took over the Provisional Government -
The Bolsheviks and Vladamir Lenin Take The Winter Palace
The miltray was finally armed and ready to go. Lenin ordered an assualt on the Winter Palace. A Provisional Government was put in place. -
Russian Civil War Begins
Bolsheviks fight to keep power -
The Death Of Nicholas the Second and his Family
The Bolsheviks took the royal family. They stuffed them in a basement and excuted all of them