Alexander II takes the throne
At the age of 36, Alexander took the throne after the death of his father. -
Emancipation of serfs
Among Alexander's reforms was most importantly the emancipation of serf. -
Judicial reformation
Alexander II reorganized the judicial system. -
Alexander II assasinated
After several failed attempts, Alexander was killed from an explosion. -
Nicholas II takes the throne
After the death of his father from kidney disease, Nicholas takes the throne. -
Nicholas marries Alexandra
In order to make sure he had a future heir to the throne, Nicholas had to marry quickly. -
Grigori Rasputin
Born a peasant in Siberia, Russia in 1869, he became a mystical adviser to the throne. He predicted the death of the royal family if he were killed. This came to pass 15 months after his death. -
Russo-Japanese War
Russia had not withdrawn troops from Japan like promised. A surprise attack is launched by Japan. On May 27–29, 1905 Japan destroyed the Russian fleet. -
Under pressure Nicholas pledged to institute civil liberties. However, Nicholas was determined to hold on to his power he maintained the ability to dismiss the Duma. -
World War I
Due to being allies with France, Russia entered the war with Germany as a result of France entering. -
March Revolution
Due to civil unrast and food shortages, open revolt led to Nicholas giving up the throne. Nicholas and his family were killed in July. -
Aleksandr Kerensky Prime Minister
Aleksandr became Prime Minister of the provisional government. Because he had been in support of World War I, when the Bolsheviks revolted he went into hiding until 1918. He emigrated to Europe and moved to US in 1940. -
Nicholas II and family murdered
Under Lenin the Bolsheviks murdered the entire family. This ended three centuries of Romanov rule. -
Vladimir Lenin - "Peace, Land, and Bread"
Lenin was the Bolshevik Party leader. Lenin was drawn into the revolutionary cause after his brother was killed for being involved in the assassination of Alexander III. His slogan, "peace, land, and bread" gained popular support. He became the leader of Russia. -
Russian Civil War - Red Army
The Red Army was the defenders of the new Bolsheviks government. The "whites" were composed of those who opposed Lenin. -
Leon Trotsky - Lenin's #2 man
Trotsky was a communist and agitator. He was admitted into the Bolshevik party while still in jail for agitating. He was a military leader of the Revolution. Stalin defeated Trotsky after Lenin's death. He was eventually murdered.